Christopher’s grumpy mood

Christopher's heart was still trembling from the unsettling nightmare. The haunting images from the dream clung to the recesses of his mind, refusing to fade away. The memory of the newborn baby's cold skin and the horrifying sight of blood streaming across the floor had left a lingering fear that gnawed at his core.

He had the impression that his nightmare might become a reality. This notion terrified him. He held Abigail tighter in his embrace as if trying to physically dispel the residual unease from his dream. He pressed his lips gently against her head, seeking comfort in her presence.

"Are you okay?" Concerned for him, Abigail lifted her head, her eyes locking onto his.

Christopher looked at her with mixed feelings. He was still horrified, but he was relieved that she was with him, safe and sound. That was only a bad nightmare, and he'd make sure it didn't become a reality.

He stroked her cheek. "I am fine as long as you are with me."