Horrifying nightmare

"I am not upset with the fact that he has started a new business," Christopher responded, his voice tinged with frustration. "I'm disappointed because no one has informed me of it. Why are they keeping this from me? Are they thinking I will interject? It hurts. I'm feeling betrayed."

"Christopher…" Abigail put a comforting hand on his shoulder, her gaze pleading. "Please don't make any assumptions before speaking with them. There must be a valid reason to keep the things hidden."

Bullshit!" he retorted sharply, causing her to flinch and retract her hand. "There is no reason to justify their actions. Dad is always cold to me. I can see why he hasn't informed me of anything. He refuses to include me in any of his decisions. But Eddie... I thought we had a good equation. He betrayed me too."