Abigail’s bold move

In that charged moment, Abigail's unwavering gaze remained fixed on Nancy with an intensity that left no room for doubt about her displeasure. Nancy, initially confident and cheerful, visibly faltered under the weight of Abigail's stern scrutiny. Her grin had vanished, and in its place was a feeling of unease.

On the other hand, Christopher appeared confused and embarrassed, unsure of how to react to his wife's unexpected arrival.

The atmosphere in the room became heavy with tension, the air thick with unspoken words. Abigail's eyes flashed with indignation as she took in the sight of Nancy and Christopher together. The muscles in her jaw clenched, and her posture radiated assertiveness and dominance.

Her anger and frustration were palpable, while Nancy seemed to shrink under her scrutiny. She fidgeted in her seat, feeling uneasy.