Nancy’s suicide attempt

When Abigail returned to the comfort of her home, her initial anger and suspicion gradually yielded to a sense of clarity and introspection, leading her to acknowledge the hastiness of her actions. In the solitude of her thoughts, Abigail came to the realization that venting her frustration on Christopher without concrete evidence against Nancy had been an error in judgment.

Abigail understood that openly displaying her doubts about Nancy might have endangered her relationship with her husband. To Christopher, Nancy was just an abused woman. He had witnessed everything, and he wouldn't believe a word she said against Nancy.

Abigail was sorry for her impulsive acts. She realized she needed to be patient. She exhaled a big sigh and regained her calm. She couldn't overlook the reality that they were already dealing with a slew of issues, and adding more strain to their relationship would have been disastrous.