Joyous get-together

Benjamin approached with a stoic face and said, "Sorry to disturb you. Dad called me just now. He is not feeling well. I need to go home."

Concern flashed across Christopher's face, and he furrowed his brow as he responded, "Yes, of course. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."

Benjamin nodded, his eyes flickering towards Brad before he turned to leave. The door closed behind him, leaving a momentary silence in its wake.

The atmosphere in the cabin remained subdued for a while after Benjamin's departure, both men's thoughts lingering on the door where he had exited. A heavy silence settled around them, underscoring the concern they felt for Benjamin.

"He has become so quiet ever since he returned," Brad mused.

Christopher nodded. "He is obviously very upset about his father's health. I had no notion his father had a cardiac condition. He never mentioned it before."