Did you do something to him?

Two days later…

The office corridor buzzed with activity as Christopher emerged from the long meeting, deep in conversation with Brad. As they walked through the lobby, Benjamin approached them with his usual stoic face.

"Mr. Sherman, Miss Nancy has been waiting for you," he informed sullenly.

"Nancy!" A perplexed frown was etched across Christopher's face. He had not expected her to show up here. He hadn't scheduled an appointment with her. "Did she call for an appointment?" he asked.

"No… She just showed up in the morning when you were in the meeting," replied Benjamine.

Christopher's frown deepened. He wondered if she was in trouble again because of her ex-boyfriend.

Brad chuckled and said in a sarcastic tone, "Nancy doesn't seem to be the type to bother with appointments, Chris. Whether you grant her time or not, she'll find her way to you."