Christopher is in a difficult situation.

"Huh…" Abigail threw her hands in the air in frustration. "Waiting… This is what I have been doing for the past 36 hours. Waiting, waiting, and waiting… I am tired. I don't know how he is doing. Uh…" She sobbed as she sagged on the bed, her shoulders shaking.

"Madam, please control yourself. You shouldn't worry too much about Mr. Sherman. He is strong and can withstand any situation. He will come back to you. Trust me." He gently squeezed her shoulder, trying to give her a semblance of reassurance. "You should take care of yourself and your unborn baby." His tone was gentler this time.

Abigail, remembering her complicated pregnancy, nodded slowly and wiped her tears away. "I know. I just missed him a lot."

Mr. Miller offered a nod of understanding before focusing on the matter at hand. "I am waiting for Officer George's message," he informed her. "As soon as I find out what kind of footage the police have against him, I'll act swiftly to counter it."