Abigail’s stern decision

"Abigail!" Lance was taken aback by her abrupt shift in demeanor. The tension between them became evident as the tension in the room became thicker. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm not afraid of these people. I've faced worse dangers than this."

But Abigail was unyielding. Her arms were crossed, and her eyes were icy and distant. "I'm not asking you, Lance. I'm telling you. Leave. Now."

The air seemed to vibrate with unspoken emotions as the two of them locked eyes. Lance's breathing was labored, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Abigail's lips were pressed into a thin line, and her nostrils flared.

For a brief minute, it appeared as if the world had stopped spinning around them, paralyzed in anticipation of what would happen next.

"No, I am not leaving," Lance asserted. "I am here to help you."