Nonstop trouble in the family

Abigail, still flushed from their intimate moment, avoided eye contact with Christopher, her gaze fixed on her toes. She peeked at Christopher and found him smirking, which surprised her.

"It is all because of you. I won't talk to you." She glumly sat down beside him. Her body language conveyed her discomfort, with her arms tightly folded across her chest and her posture rigid.

Christopher, however, seemed unfazed by the situation. His eyes roamed freely over Abigail's features, studying her expression with interest. When he noticed her puffy cheeks, he couldn't resist teasing her.

"You are cute," he said, his index finger tracing her cheekbone, causing Abigail's face to flush even redder. Despite her efforts to maintain a straight face, her lips twitched, betraying her attempt to suppress a smile.