Pamela’s incessant argument

Christopher frowned as he observed the teary-eyed Abigail and sensed that Pamela had said something to upset her. The anger he already harbored toward Pamela grew more pronounced, and he clenched his fists, ready to ask her to leave. He was torn between his desire to defend Abigail and his wish to maintain a level of civility.

But Pamela had her own intentions. She sought to frame the situation in a manner that painted Abigail as the aggressor. With a dramatic tone, she responded to Christopher's inquiry, "Take a look at your wife, Christopher. She is desperate to portray me as an insensitive and self-centered person."

Abigail, her eyes filled with tears, looked at Christopher with a despairing expression and shook her head. Christopher, in the midst of his internal turmoil, managed to maintain a sullen composure. He was determined to resolve the situation without resorting to anger.

"What did she say to offend you?" He asked quietly.