Meeting with Vivian

"Madam, you should get into the car," the chief security personnel instructed with a firm voice.

Abigail tried to explain her situation, her finger pointing towards Vivian's red Kia. "I just want to meet Vivian. We are going out for lunch."

The guard's stern expression and determined attitude made it clear that they weren't going to allow it. He warned, "It's not safe for you to travel in another vehicle. You should get in your car right away. Your friend is welcome to join you if she wants."

Vivian had also come out of her car by now, her expression one of surprise. She inquired, "Abigail, is everything all right?"

Abigail felt her anxiety intensify in front of the guards, a flush rising up her cheeks. She didn't want Vivian to misunderstand the situation or feel embarrassed.