Venting frustration

As the vibrant party came to a close, Abigail retreated to the serenity of her room while Christopher was still busy with relatives and some family friends. She was physically exhausted from the festivities, but her spirit was still ablaze with the excitement of the evening.

Meeting Alexander and Julia had left a profound impression on her, and the prospect of being a model for Julia's collection had her buzzing with anticipation. Besides, she was excited at the prospect of posing in front of cameras.

However, as she lay down on her bed, reality began to sink in. She realized that her parents had not come to bless her, and neither Elsa nor Jasper attended the party.

Just then, her phone rang, breaking the silence in the room. Abigail picked it up and saw Jasper's name. Her face once illuminated with festivity, now took on a somber tone as she answered the call.