The complications and dangers

In the confines of Jasper's office, the atmosphere crackled with tension as Michael's inquisitive gaze bore into him. Jasper rubbed his temples as if he were feeling a headache. The complications and dangers seemed to multiply with every revelation.

The weight of a deep sigh punctuated the room as Jasper began to unveil the truth. "I accidentally hit Ella Jones with my car last night," he confessed, the admission carrying the burden of unexpected consequences. He had not forgotten anything about that rain-soaked night that had added layers of complexity to his life.

"It was raining heavily, and she suddenly came in front of my car," he mused regretfully.

"And you are telling me now!" Michael asked, and his shock and concern were palpable. "Is she dead?" The urgency of Michael's inquiry mirrored the gravity of the situation.

"She is injured, but not severely," Jasper revealed. "Her treatment is going on in the same hospital where Britney is."