Unexpected update

Jasper glared at Ella. His annoyance was evident on his face. "I'm fine. I'm just a bit tired. Tell me what you were saying before we got cut off."

Ella watched warily as he strode past her, his broad shoulders and imposing figure dominating the hallway. Unbeknownst to him, Ella observed his demeanor, a trace of sadness in her eyes. Despite the frosty reception, her concern for him eclipsed any personal disappointment.

She was concerned about him when she noticed him rubbing his temples constantly. She thought he was having a headache. Her commitment to her duties spurred her into action.

As Jasper disappeared into his bedroom, Ella made her way to the kitchen to brew some coffee for him. She hoped that the hot beverage might improve his mood, and she was determined to try her best to make him feel better.