Ella’s boredom

A week later...

As the days went by, Ella found herself growing increasingly restless. Despite her best efforts to keep busy, the silence and emptiness of the large house weighed heavily on her. She was bored to death. She had hoped that Jasper would return home after work, but she had not seen him in seven days. The uncertainty of his absence left her feeling uneasy and curious.

Ella had been living in this big house alone. She had expected Jasper to return home after work, but she had not seen him after that day. Bored to death, she often wondered where he had been staying these days.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Ella decided to explore the off-limits areas of the house. She had already familiarized herself with most of the ground floor, but the first floor remained a mystery. Specifically, Jasper's room and the study were the objects of her fascination. What could he be hiding behind those doors?