Growing attraction

Jasper, sensing some movements, halted his swim momentarily and looked toward her room. The curtains were fluttering slightly. Squinting against the sun's rays, he strained to catch any sign of movement behind the curtains, but the glass remained still, revealing no clear figure.

Uncertain if it was just the wind teasing the fabric or if someone had indeed been watching, Jasper narrowed his focus, attempting to decipher any hidden presence. His hand ran through his damp hair, a flicker of doubt clouding his mind.

Dismissing the notion that anything out of the ordinary had occurred, Jasper returned his focus to his swimming. With a carefree spirit, he resumed gliding through the water, allowing his thoughts to drift away with each stroke.

Unaware of the tumultuous emotions that were brewing inside Ella's mind, Jasper continued to enjoy his leisurely swim. The sound of the water lapping against the sides of the pool created a soothing melody.