Unexpected dinner invitation

As the day drew to a close, Ella received a call from Jasper. He told her to pack her belongings, as he was taking her on a trip with him. Ella was taken aback, unsure of what to make of this sudden announcement. She had never been outside of the city before, let alone the country. The prospect of traveling abroad filled her with both excitement and trepidation.

"But... what will I do there?" Ella asked, her confusion evident in her voice.

Jasper's response was curt and dismissive. "I don't have faith in you. You don't follow my instructions properly. Who knows what you'll do in my absence? I can't take the risk of leaving you alone in my house. So, you're coming with me."

He had made this decision to take her with him for her safety, but he couldn't voice his concern for her. Instead, he snapped at her, emphasizing that she was a headache to him.