Britney’s complaints

It was Zac Hayes, his old friend from school. Jasper was taken aback and watched him approach with a wide grin.

"Jasper! What a pleasant surprise!" Zac exclaimed, spreading his arms widely and taking him into a warm hug. "I hadn't expected to run into you here. Oh, man. I am happy to see you after such a long time."

Jasper hugged him back, feeling a mix of happiness and relief. "Yeah, it's quite surprising," he replied. "I also didn't expect to see you here. How did you end up at this party?"

"Mr. Baker is my father's good friend, and it is his 35th marriage anniversary," Zac replied. "My dad had to leave on a business trip, so I'm here representing our family."

"I see. Well, this coincidence is nice. It's good to see you, Zac." Jasper hugged him again, unable to contain his joy and excitement.