Dead wish

Jasper left for work early in the morning, avoiding interacting with Ella. She was also relieved that he had left early, as it saved her from the awkwardness of facing him after their almost-kiss the night before. With a clear mind, she focused on her household chores, busying herself with cleaning the house.

A couple of hours later…

Two hours passed quickly, and Ella finally sat down to enjoy a late breakfast. She savored every bite of her scrambled eggs and toast, exclaiming, "Oh, I love this!" as she ate.

Just then, the sound of the front door opening broke the silence of the house. Ella's heart skipped a beat as she turned towards the entrance, expecting to see Jasper returning home early. However, her expectations were shattered as a beautiful woman walked in, pulling a suitcase behind her. Ella's mouth hung open in surprise as she watched the stranger enter the house.