The misunderstanding

Ella's face reddened with anger, but she held her tongue. How could she possibly offend her employer's girlfriend?

Jasper's office environment seemed quieter than usual. He rubbed his brow and leaned back in his seat. He had been busy these days and was not looking forward to the conversation he knew was coming. Elsa had called him earlier, informing him that she was returning home, and he had forgotten to tell her about Ella. Now, he could sense Elsa's ire brewing on the other end of the line.

"Oh, please, Jasper," Elsa groaned. "Enough of your silence. That's not helping anyone. You're putting yourself and others in danger with your reckless behavior. Now tell me, what is going on? I need a good explanation." Elsa's words resonated sharply through the phone, carrying an undercurrent of disappointment and worry.