Tension at the beach

Late at night…

The night was dark and chilly, and the wind howled as it cut through the abandoned beach. The only light came from the flickering torches, casting eerie shadows on the sand. The workers were busying themselves unloading the cargo, their breaths visible in the cold air. Jasper was inspecting their work, giving orders and instructions to Michael.

"Mr. Hubbard is on his way with the client," he said, his voice low and urgent. "Once the deal is sealed, we'll start acting. Don't do anything hastily. Just wait for my signal."

"Sure." Michael nodded, trying to maintain his composure, but his anxiety was palpable. The risks were high, and if anything went wrong, their plan would crumble. He couldn't help but fear Sebastian's wrath.

Jasper seemed to sense his unease and clapped him on the back. "Hey, don't worry. I've got your back. If things go south, I'll take the fall."