Jasper’s confession

Jasper was undoubtedly pleased with Ella's response. However, he wanted to offer his assistance to her. Since he was planning to speak to Jimmie about Britney, he thought he might as well bring up Ella's name. 

"I know this designer quite well," Jasper said. "He's practically a friend. I can talk to him and persuade him to consider your design."

Ella interrupted, her voice urgent and sincere. "Please, no, don't do that. I don't want any special treatment. I want to earn my success on my own merits, not because someone pulled strings for me. I assure you, I'll work diligently and give it my all. If I fail to impress him, that's okay. I'd rather not have your help in this manner. You've already done so much for me by showing my work to him. That's more than enough. I promise not to disappoint you."