Your future is beautiful.

"Is Samuel's love everything to you?" Ella asked sharply. "Does your brother's love for you not matter to you? He is worried about you. He blames himself because he thinks he is responsible for your misery."

Elsa glanced guiltily at her, never blaming her brother for the situation. Her disappointment lay in Samuel's callous ending of their relationship and in her own naivety in trusting him despite knowing that he was not ready for a relationship.

Samuel wasn't at fault; he had made it clear he wasn't seeking a serious relationship. It was Elsa who clung to the hope that he might change. But her last bit of hope was crushed the moment the truth was revealed: Samuel had refused to marry her.

Elsa realized how wrong she was about him. "I am sorry," she murmured, finally breaking her long-held silence. "I didn't mean to trouble my brother. I was just disappointed in myself."