The outing

Jasper finally finished his work and left the study at around midnight. As he walked over to his room, he noticed the lights in Ella's room were still on. He frowned at the prospect of her staying up so late. Concerned, he made his way to her door, eager to check in on her and perhaps steal a few private moments together. 

Though he longed to spend time with Ella, the presence of Elsa at home had restrained him from approaching her freely. He maintained a safe distance from her and hardly talked to her.

He had considered informing his sister about Ella, but things had not gone as planned. Elsa was dealing with her own sorrow. He wanted her to heal first before telling her about the joy of his life.

Quietly, Jasper entered Ella's room and found her hunched over her drawing tablet, completely absorbed in her work. He closed the door behind him and approached her.

As the door clicked shut, Ella lifted her head, meeting Jasper's gaze.