The survival game.

"Please don't kill me," she pleaded, desperation seeping into her voice. "I'll do anything you say."

"Is that so?" The man smirked, his gaze predatory as it roved over her form. "You will do whatever I say."

Ella, her grip on the knife tightening in apprehension, nodded in reluctant agreement. The atmosphere thickened with an unspoken threat as the man's demeaning words hung in the air.

"Can you suck my cock?" he crudely demanded. 

Ella felt a surge of revulsion at his request, but she forced herself to remain still, her eyes fixed on the gun in his hand. She knew that she had to do whatever it took to stay alive. With a heavy heart, she nodded her assent.

The man's predatory smirk widened, and he callously ordered, "On your knees."

Ella felt sick to her stomach at the thought of complying with his demand. She struggled to suppress her discomfort and obediently knelt, her eyes brimming with tears.