8: Ninja mode (Part One)

I'm underneath a thick canopy of trees, making up my own path the further I go. Cutting through bushes and walking underneath trees so tall that I can't even see their tops. A loud swishing sound filled my ears. Half a dozen of flying wheel-like stars flew through the sky and embedded the tree behind me. Outlining my form, perfectly. Only an inch closer than it would have been a direct hit. "I could have killed you!" A voice exclaimed from out the shadows. I thought that these woods would have been inhabited by some dangerous creatures, but I only see a young attractive man coming into view. "What are you?" I questioned in a low voice. Not knowing what he is and not wanting to draw to much attention to myself. "I'm a Ninja from the hidden village in the leaves. As the symbol on my headband indicates," he said as he pointed towards the silver band. I nodded, that still doesn't explain who he is or where I am. My thought on this forest being inhabited with dangerous creatures is half right. Sure enough, these inhabitants are human, but Ninja's isn't a force to be reckoned with. "Come on, let me help you. I'm very sorry for my miscalculation. Naruto Uzumaki's the name," he introduced himself with a wide smile. He pulled the star-like weapons effortlessly out of the tree's trunk. My heart galloped like a herd of wild stallion. He's so close, a tad to close. His golden hair, touching my skin; if only slightly. His eyes a mesmerizing colour. His smile warm and inviting. "Naruto! Does Hinata know where you currently are?" A sweet voice asked from behind us. He turned around and looked at his pink haired friend. Another neck rubber, I thought as the action caught my attention. "No! This isn't what it looks like," he said quickly to his own defence. "Oh, really? Because to me it looks like you're pinning a girl between yourself and a tree," her answer came as a shock to me. Oh no, I'm not putting myself in that kind of situation again. If this gorgeous man is taken then he's completely out of my league. I'm not here to cause any trouble. I'm not here to rewrite their story. I moved away from the tree, speechless. "Some help here would be highly appreciated," he pleaded like a kid that's being spanked. I want to shake my head. He got himself into this mess, so he needs to get himself out of it. How am I to avoid that pleading boyish face? "I was cutting through the woods at random, when he attacked me with some strange star-like thingamabobs," I came to his defence. The both of them looked at me in complete dismay. "You're not from around here, are you?" The golden haired stranger asked me as he put his weapons away. "I bet you'd find it a little bit too bizarre to comprehend," I said with a coy smile. The girl shrugged it off and replied nonchalantly: "We've come across loads of bizarre situations in our line of work, surely we can manage some more." I smiled at her kindly. "Hokage would really like her; don't you think, Naruto?" She questioned him directly. The Naruto-fellow didn't answer her, he just stared at me like I've climbed out of the pages of a book, which I technically had. "Perhaps it's better to take her to see the Hokage, instead, as to reveal her situation in the open like this," he offered. The young woman agreed. "I'm Sakura Haruno, sorry for my false assumptions and by not introducing myself earlier," she apologized with a slight bow of her head. I followed them into the village. On a high wall three people stood on lookout duty. Scanning the surrounding woods for impostors, so that they could allure the authorities. They assisted me towards a palace-like building in the North. Naruto knocked on the door and wait for word before entering. "Hokage, we've crossed paths with a traveller who's in need of our assistance," Naruto stated at entry. "Good day, Sir," I said as I bowed my head respectfully. My own pink hair falls down and curtained my face. He looked up from his book. A mountain of paperwork flanks him, but yet his nose is stuck between the pages of a book. His eyes grew in size. Should I have called him Hokage, instead of Sir? Have I been insensitive towards his position? What is a Hokage in any case? "I'm sorry, am I being insensitive by calling you Sir?" I asked again, but this time around I lift my face up and looked straight at him. Underneath his white brimmed hat, a beautiful face stared back at me. He shook his head, "With what can I help you, my dear?" He questioned with a flirtatious smile. "I'm Luna Rose Dragneel. I'm a fire wizard from Magnolia. I'm being mysteriously thrown into different realms through a black curtain. This is the eighth world I've been too. To continue on this peculiar journey I need to find the curtain or anything similar," I explained my situation towards the man sitting behind the desk. "Uhm, an odd case indeed. Say what, why don't you stay and join tomorrow evening's dance? In the meantime, I would think about a solution for your problem," he said. I nodded in agreement. "That's good. Sakura, would you get a few women together and help her get ready for the dance? I'll do my best to have an answer for you by tomorrow night. Now, where to stay?" He ended deep in thought as his eyes shamelessly scanned my body. "She can stay at my house, I have no problem with that," Sakura offered. Internally I'm glad. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was going to offer me his chamber, which I'm not to keen in accepting. An unexpected sigh rolled over his lips which caught there attention without a doubt. Everything's arranged and I'll be spending my time with Sakura and some of her friends. Apparently it's in their job description to polish and pamper me for a dance that's taking place the next evening. I'm feeling so psyched!

The previous day past so quickly and here I am sitting at a table alongside Sakura, having myself a well balanced breakfast. "Me along with a few others are taking you along for the ride. First on our agenda is some spa-time filled with pampering. After that, we're off to the shops to buy something for the evening, don't worry we've got you covered. Then we'll return and polish you up like a doll. Maybe you'll find somebody and decides to stay with us," Sakura said full of beams. A knock echoed throughout her apartment and in came four beautiful young ladies. "Let me introduce you to Rose Dragneel. They're the ones that I've told you about. From my right: Tenten, Temari, Ino Yamanaka and Hinata Hyuga," she introduced politely. "When you told me that she's beautiful, I didn't think that she'd be this stunning," Ino said as she throws her hair backwards. "Maybe we should introduce her to your brother, Temari?" Tenten said rhetorically. "Which one are you referring too?" She asked bluntly. Her curly ash-blonde hair up in a tight ponytail. She's just as fabulous as the rest of them. "I can't seem to picture her together with Kankuro," Hinata said softly. She seems to be extremely shy which makes her demeanour even cuter. "I need to second you on that one. I wonder, perhaps I should introduce her to that other brother of mine. I think, my personal assumption, they would make a very cute couple," Temari said deeply lost in thought. With that being said a conversation unfolded amongst them. An exchange of words that I couldn't begin to follow. Something about a brother; who doesn't seem to be living in the land of fire. If he's not even living in the hidden leaf village, how is she going to introduce us to each other?

The rest of the day past at a slow pace. The pampering section at the spa was a delightful encounter. After a medi, pedi, facial and wax, we went shopping. After long consideration, on their behalf, they decided on an amazing teal Cinderella-dress. A pair of silver stilettoes to finish the look. As we left the shops aligning both side of the road, we returned to Sakura's apartment. Temari ended a phone conversation and I don't think that I want to know. Her flared up cheeks is answer enough. "Shikamaru, I bet?" Ino said bucking her eyes. "The men will pick us up at your apartment and escort us to the dance, individually," Temari said after a while, completely ignoring Ino's sass. At Sakura's place, she sat me down in front of the vanity. Ino volunteered to do my hair, while Temari dolled up my complexion. With my hair up in a French-styled bun and foundation, gloss and eye shadow kissing my complexion, the only thing that needs to be done is stepping into the dress. I exiled from the tiny bathroom, with a swish-swash, my five fairy godmothers turned me into a princess for the evening. A knock echoed, Temari jumped up and excused herself from the room. I heard a deep voice coming from the front door, asking what could possibly be so important and how it couldn't have waited until the dance. "I want to introduce you to somebody, and ask if you'd be willing to escort her to the dance this evening?" I could clearly hear as I inched closer to the open front door. I'm very curious to meet the stranger with the deep soulful voice. "I don't know, Temari. Ino really isn't my type," he said impassively. I made my way into the room, where the both of them stood. "I'd like you to meet Rose Dragneel. Meet my brother, Gaara," Temari said with a broad smile. My breath caught up in my throat. He gave me a little crooked smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Rose. Would you like to accompany me to the dance, my lady?" He asked boldly, every splinter of uncertainty rushed from the room. "I'll be honoured," I said with a curtsy. He placed his hand at the low of my back. Even with these heals on he's much taller then I am. His hair reminds me of maple leaves in the autumn. The scar above his one eye struck me as overly handsome. "I've never seen you around these parts before. Where are you from?" He asked me in his deep monotone voice. "It's a bizarre tale to be honest. I'm surprised that some people don't think I'm being foolish," I answered him with a coy smile. He nodded in understanding. "You'll be surprised in how much crazy we've seen over the years. Nothing seems as mind-boggling as you might think, my lady," he said charmingly. On our way we crossed paths with Naruto and two others. "Hey bro, had you met Rose yet," Gaara asked as he pulled me even closer, afraid that I might disappear. "In fact we've met yesterday," he said with a wide grin. "These are Shikamaru Nara and Sasuke Uchiha," Naruto introduced them one by one. Handsome too, but I am happy with the one standing by my side. My reaction towards Naruto's handsomeness, evaporated like the morning dew.

At entrance I gawked at the colour theme. Pearl pink and silver. Hundreds of stars spray painted in silver are dangling from the high ceiling. Pearl pink tablecloths decorate the tables. Flower arrangements consistent of pink and whites, parades in fancy glass vases. Round tables suited for two is organized around a big open floor; which must be the dancing area. He pulled a chair out and told me to sit down, like a true gentlemen. Silver cutlery is wrapped up in pink serviettes. This looks more like a royal ball fit for a queen then a simple dance. My dress surely fits the occasion like a glove. "I'll be right back," Gaara said. Slowly the domicile filled up with unfamiliar faces. Amongst the there's a few that I recall. Gaara reappeared with two glasses of wine. He gave me one and sat down opposite me. This is what I believe a first date should be.

We drank some fancy wine, ate a royal meal and danced around the clock. Swaying gracefully in his arms, like my feet had grown wings. Safely and warmly in Gaara's secure embrace. Hoping that this won't all vanish when the clock struck twelve.