11: Fairy mode

I look at my surroundings. The scenery had changed so much over the past ten years. I look up at the Fairytail symbol that's proudly parading upon the surface of the flag, that's lightly swaying back and forwards in the breeze. The building still looks the same. I wonder how much had changed beyond these doors. Would they be happy to see me? Which kinds of expressions would be painted upon their complexions? Shock? Disbelieve? Would they even remember me? I was but a mere child (being a teen doesn't make you a grownup), when I've vanished from this world. I'm a full grown woman now, who has lost so much time over the course of years. How many new generation kids were born into the guild? How many of my friends got married? When were Levi and Gajeel's baby welcomed into this world? My heart breaks at the mere thought. It doesn't help to become emotional; quite frankly, it's all water under the bridge. History had already been made.

I'm pleased that Videl dolled me up for my return. My hair is up in a high ponytail, swaying gracefully against my lower back, a few tentacles framing my slender face. A black mini-skirt tugs in all the right places, along with a low-cut yellow shirt that praise my now noticeable purple tattoo that's proudly standing out against my collarbone. Fancy black sandals, ribbon tied upwards in a spiral pattern to just below my kneecaps, is in the same shade as my shirt. I inhaled sharply as I inched closer towards the doors. This is it, the moment that I've been waiting for. I push the heavy wooden doors open and entered. Instantly all eyes were on me. In a stampede they rushed forward and pulled me randomly into hugs. "What's all of this commotion about?" Gramps asked as he pushed his way through the crowd. His eyes grew in size: "Luna, is that you?" I smiled at him coyly. "Hello Gramps," I greeted. Gramps motioned for me to follow him and so I did into his office. I closed the door behind me and took a seat. "You grew up into a fine young lady. What happened? Where have you been? Natsu, Gray and practically everybody else were broken up by your disappearance," Master Makarov started questioning me. "Before I explain myself, I need to send you some greetings Gramps, from an old friend. Roshi said that he's doing great," I started right of the back. Tears pricked at his eyes, which is much older then I can recall. "I haven't heard that name in such a long time," he said mostly to himself. "The truth is Gramps, ten years ago, I was on my way here when a mysterious black curtain appeared and swallowed me in. Ever since, I've been thrown into different realms. Going around from place to place; trying to find my way back home. I wanted to confess to Gray back then, but I guess it's fair to say that, that boat had sailed years ago. I met someone on my adventure. A person that means the world to me," I informed him with yet another coy smile. A little pink dusted my cheekbones. "Then why not stay with him? Why had you returned after all these years?" He asked me confusingly. "Because, I couldn't stay without letting you all know that I'm still amongst the living. At one particular stop on my journey a friend prepared me for the worst outcome. Informing me about the possibility that Gray might have moved on. Knowing this much isn't helping seeing how my heart isn't carved out of stone and it doesn't make me braver either," I answered Gramps in the long run. "Coming back with the knowledge that everything had changed, is called bravery, my child. You can stay at Fairy Hills, for the time being. Natsu and a few others are currently away on a quest. Gray and Juvia should be arriving within a day or so. The others could perhaps take a little longer," he informed me. "Thank you, I will wait. Gaara won't go anywhere, he promised that he would wait on my return, and I will do so," I assured him. "It's nice to have you back, child," were his last words before I left his office and joined the others downstairs.

Mira was the first to greet me. She pulled me into a hug and told me how happy she is to see that I'm alright. I sat down at the bar and she gave me a glass of cold juice. The same flavour that I've enjoyed when I was younger; peach and apricot. She remembers! "So do you mind to prepare me a little for the worse? Who got married? Who had kids?" She smiled at me. "Just as curious as always I see, but first things first, tell me where's your boyfriend? You can't be single looking like that," she said literally pointing towards me. I feel something poke against my leg, pushed my hand into the skirt's pocket and wrapped my fingers around something that shouldn't be poking me at all. I bring it into view to be greeted by a picture which I didn't have before, a picture of Gaara. Thank you, Cousin of Igneel, I thought being careful not to call him by his given name; not yet anyways. Mira took the photo from my hand. "What have we got here? Oh, isn't he a keeper," she said mischievously, bucking her eyes at me. "So what's this handsome devil's name?" She asked me with a wink as she gave me the photo. "Gaara," I informed her. I can see how her mind is working overtime. Most likely thinking about another ship to add to her collection. "Lunga," she said with a wide grin. I blushed at the sound. "Mom? Dad and I will be taking this quest," a young attractive boy said as he gave a flyer over towards Mira. She smiled down at him motherly. "Luna meet my son. Xavier this is Uncle Salamander's sister," she introduced. "It's a pleasure to meet you Xavier," I said with a timid smile. "Likewise, I didn't know that Uncle Salamander had a sister," he said sounding literally surprised. "What's taking so long kiddo?" Laxus asked as he joined us. He pulled me into a bear hug. "Great to have you back, Moon. Natsu will be happy to see you," Laxus whispered into my ear. "Let's get going kiddo. I'll see you at home tonight," he said cool and collectively as he leaned over the counter and kissed his wife on the lips. "Congrats Mira, I'm so happy for you," I assured her with a kind smile. Internally I'm a little sad for missing out on their wedding day and the birth of their son, but I'm not going to make this encounter any awkward by letting my grief show.

The doors swung open. I'm too scared to turn around in my seat and take a peak at the one who's entering. Afraid that whatever I might see could potentially break my heart into two. After my talk with Mira, yesterday, I went to my apartment at Fairy Hills, which makes today officially my second day back in Fiore. Mira, however, didn't tell me anything about who got married or anything else that have happened over the last ten years, so it's safe to say that I'm still in the lost. I do now know that Levi gave birth to a boy who goes by the name of Laurence, but apparently he prefers being called Laurie. According to Mira the Redfox-family is out on a quest amongst others. "Aunty Mira, daddy said that I should tell you that we've finished out quest earlier, we'll be going home for the day," a young girl (who reminds me an awfully lot of Juvia) said. "Thank you Selvia, sent my greetings to your parents," Mira said friendly. "Hello, I'm Selvia Fullbuster. I love your hair," she told me with a sweet innocent smile. I introduced myself to her as Moon; I don't want her father to know that I'm back just yet. I have to prepare myself physically and mentally for that encounter. She greeted the both of us and left. "I'm sorry, but I can't really prepare you for what's coming. Gray, however, took your disappearance very hard. He was drinking way too much until one fateful night would have it, things escalated much too quickly between the two of them and Juvia fell pregnant with twins. Natsu wouldn't speak or look at Gray for years, believing that you'd return eventually. In any case they were forced into marriage by the counsel. Gray had grown to love her in time. The kids are his pride and joy, but I fear that you showing up may release an old flame that's been bottled up for ages," she informed me. Twins? My heart breaks at the mere thought… Oh Gaara, what am I to do? This situation, in which I'm finding myself, seems to be much harder as I anticipated. Perhaps Sakura was right, I shouldn't have come back. I should have stayed with him when he asked me to consider it, but instead, I follow my head and ignored my heart. I just had to see him, and I had to inform my friends and family in this realm that I'm still breathing. Coming to think of it, I'm not as brave as Gramps paint me out to be. "I pray that your love for Gaara is strong enough to overcome this obstacle," Mira said wisely. I hope so too! Gaara's features unexpectedly entered my mind space, which made me smile to myself. She took notice in my expression, but didn't question it. As the day unfolds I've been introduced to Levi and Gajeel's kid. Levy was in tears when she saw me. Even Cana and Lisanna has kids, two beautiful daughters: Gillian Albarano and Liz Strauss. Apart from that it was yet another uneventful day.

As I walk towards the guildhall down the steep slope from Fairy Hills, I fear for the most part. I doubt that today's going to bring me any further luck or make my decision any easier. I inhaled sharply before entering; pushing the heavy wooden doors open. Sure enough the familiar out roar is loud and clear. Time had never been an essence when it comes to these folks. I'm glad to see that the Fullbuster's had yet to arrive. I walked over towards the bar and sat down in my usual seat. I've decided to let my hair hung loose today. "Good morning, Mira," I greeted her coyly. "Nervous, I see," she stated bluntly. Everybody must have noticed that their returned fairy was not being herself today. "Am I being that obvious?" I asked her rhetorically. She giggled slightly at my response. Before the cold juice could have a chance to calm my scattered nerves, the doors swung open. I know who entered, and I have no need to turn my attention towards the doors to know either. My stomach is in a topsyturvy mess, as he's fragrance plays with my senses. He inched closer and closer. The boards creaked beneath his weight. "Morning Mira," he greeted before turning his attention towards me and concluded. "So you must be the new member that Selvia told us about yesterday," he's actually looking at me. My heartbeat gallops like a crazed horse completely out of control. I look down at the glass that's trapped between my hands, allowing my hair to fall between us like an open curtain. "It's quit alright if you don't want to talk to me. I'm Gray Fullbuster," he introduced himself as he point out a hand in a greeting manner. "She knows who you are Gray," Mira came to my defence and continued. "Don't you recognize her, Gray?" He scratched his head in confusion. "How could I possibly identify her if I can't even see her face? Are you sure we know each other, Mira?" He asked her twin questions. I sighed deeply, lift my face and looked him straight in the eyes. He swallowed loudly, "L- Luna? Y- You are alive," he stuttered lightly in a questioning manner. This time I swallowed down the invincible lump that stuck to my throat. "Married-? Kids-? Congrats!" I couldn't seem to get anything else passed these lips of mine. I try to sound happy but my expression failed me. I'm no longer in control of my sorrowful emotions. "I'm sorry," he apologized. Tears pricked at my eyes. "Dad? Selvia and I are going to go hang out with Liddon and Nashi," a boy who looks a lot like Gray told him. "But aren't they out on a quest?" Gray asked as he turned his attention towards his son. "They just passed the guildhall on their way home," the boy informed his father. I turn my attention stoically towards Mira who nodded at me. I jumped up from the stool (barely throwing it over) and made for the doors. I throw it open and ran into the road. In the distance I can make out his faint outline. "NATSU…!" I called his name. He stopped and turned around. He throws down his bag and met me halfway. "Where have you been? You've had me so worried," my brother said as he picked me up and swung me around, like I weight nothing. "Daddy… Daddy who's that?" A tiny girl asked as she pointed her little finger up towards me. He bends down and picked her up on to his shoulders. "This is daddy's sister, Aunty Luna. Meet my youngest she too is Luna," he introduced. My heart swells with pride. "You named her after me?" I asked bewildered. He just snickered at my reaction. "You're so beautiful," she said to my delight. "Join us and tell me all about your journey?" Natsu asked. How could I oblige?

I was utterly surprise and shocked when I learn that Lucy is expecting their seventh child. I told my brother all about my bizarre adventure and how I will return to Gaara in the days to follow. "I'm so happy for you, Moon. Just promise me that you won't vanish from the face of the earth and become a complete stranger. You and Gaara should visit us as often as you can." My brother is all grown up and much more understanding then I can recall. "There's one more obstacle that I need to face, afterwards I will return to Gaara," I told my brother. The entire Dragneel-family greeted me.

On my way back towards the Fairytail guild, I stopped in my tracks as I noticed the Fullbuster-family coming my way. "Why don't you and the kids go along without me, I'll be there in a little while?" He asked his wife as he took a stand opposite me. "Okay my love, Juvia will do so. Don't take to long?" she said kindly. Apparently she doesn't remember me at all, which makes this a little bit easier. I sat down on a wooden bench beside the river and watched how he sat down next to me, keeping a fair space between us. "I'm truly sorry; I didn't think that you'd return. I've waited, I've been a complete mess after you've disappeared," he said casually. "May I ask you something?" He questioned me but looked down at his feet. I gave him an uhm in reply. "That day, we were supposed to meet underneath the Sakura Tree, what were you going to tell me?" I should have seen this one coming. At the time he knew, but seeing how I've vanished into thin air, he must have thought that I gave up on us. I sighed deeply. He looked up and met my gaze. "I was going to confess my love to you, but certain events stopped me from doing so," I answered honestly. Not once breaking eye contact with him, proving my point to be true. He lower his head into his hands and said: "I thought so much. You Moon, you were the one who got away. I will always love you, if only you've came back a little earlier," he said. "Even if I wanted to, it was beyond my capability. Natsu will explain it to you in detail. I will be back, I promise. But for now I have to leave," I told him. "Already but you just came back?" He questioned as he jolted upright. "I'm sorry Gray, but you have to return home towards the person who replaced me and so will I return to the one who I came to love. Next time when you see me I'll be bringing him along for the ride." He seems sad, but this is how it's supposed to be. It's better this way. "Say goodbye to the guild on my behalf," I ended and I placed a kiss upon his cheek. "Goodbye Gray. I will always love you, but this is for the best." If I stay any longer I would have a breakdown and give myself over to him which could become problematic at a quick pace. Shenron, please help me out of this mess, I begged internally. Before he could say another word I vanished from his timeline.