Good evening, Milady

"You are looking beautiful, milady," Rose complimented, admiring the stunning appearance of her young mistress. However, Kira's expression was solemn.

"Is there any news?" she asked, her eyed out of the window settling at the gate, the King's knights mounted on their horses beside the aligned carriages.

"No, milady," Rose responded before shifting the conversation. "Won't you be wearing your jewelry, milady?" She gazed at the unopened boxes of jewelry on the dressing table, and at the lady who seemed preoccupied and distant.

Rose was concerned that the lord's wives would flaunt their gold jewelry at the ceremony and disdainfully look down upon her.

"I don't need them, Rose," Kira answered her gaze at the castle gates but her thoughts were somewhere else beyond the gates.

"I shall depart, milady," Rose said, performing a slight bow. She was visibly stressed about Lady Kira's circumstances. She has been reluctant to attend the ceremony but, Trina's insistence ultimately won.

"Are you ready sister-in-law?" Jerome interrupted Kira's thoughts as he entered the room. She turned to face the man who was slightly shorter than Drey but bore a striking resemblance to him.

She nodded.

At the entrance of the castle, a regal carriage awaited drawn by a team of brown horses. The two coachmen were attired in crisp white shirts, black pants, and a black long coat that was complimented by white gloves. As Kira was the last person to board, the coachman closed the doors.

Kira was seated across Jerome in the same carriage, while Trina and Rico opted for another carriage. As the marriages move away from the gate Kira gazed out of the window, the beautiful white roses lining the pathway unable to lift her spirit. Alex's horse kept pace alongside her carriage.

"Don't feel downhearted about that man, little Kira, he can be light-headed sometimes but he would come around," Jerome said, trying to cheer her up.

Kira narrowed her eyes.

"I hate that look, little Kira," Jerome stumbled over his words. "Though he might be our leader, he had wild characters," Jerome was messing up his words this time when Kira just turned away from him least bit interested.

At Rico's carriage, Rico looked out of the window to see Alex slowing down on his horse and whispering, "We are being followed." Rico didn't turn to alert the person trailing behind their carriage. He slightly nodded his head. Alex then returned to Kira's carriage, where the lady sat with a blank expression, her eyes devoid of emotion as she gazed out the window.

As they approached the lively town of Rivea, the night was just as bustling as the day. People were out drinks in hand as they engaged in lively conversation. "Milady," called Alex concerned, " I request that you close the carriage window, the crowds are getting close."

Kira obliged and closed the window as she observing as the carriage coming to an abrupt halt. As she attempted to peek outside, Jerome acted swiftly to block her view by drawing the curtains.

Rico stepped out of the carriage and gestured for Alex to stay put, despite Alex's curiosity about the situation. Trina was uneasy, it was uncommon for the royal carriage to come to an unexpected halt in the middle of the journey. After ten minutes Rico returned and resume their journey toward Niva.

The ceremony was held at Garry's former mansion, a grand and majestic abode that was envious of many lords. The list of guests invited was chosen with great care. At least every parking space was occupied, except for the royal parking area. The lords stood at the door to welcome the royalty, they have been prior told of the King's absenteeism.

Kira anticipated the reactions from the people upon hearing the news of the King's absence from the inauguration of the new lord. Upon the announcement rumors and whispers began to spread.

Among the attendees, uninvited, we're a couple dressed in opulent attire and sporting an excessive amount of makeup.

Kira stood at the entrance, with Jerome on her right attired in pristine white royal garments. On her left, Trina stood arm-in-arm with Rico, both of them excluding elegance. Rico was dressed in a striking green robe complementing Trina's stunning green dress.

The lord's unfriendly gazes didn't lose on Rico and Jerome's eyes when they scrutinized Kira. Despite the hostile atmosphere, Kira remained impassive, her expression solemn. Jerome discreetly his arm around Kira's as they stepped forward.

As soon as they entered the ballroom all eyes fixated on them. "The mysterious woman from the King's castle has arrived." murmured the crowd.

"I heard that the King fled because of her," whispered the wives of lords murmured relaying what they have heard from their husbands. That a commoner had been presented to them as their future queen.

Another woman, dressed in a heavily adorned blue gown and draped in wealthy jewelry, chimed in. "She is from my lordship, and was residing in the mountains," she whispered sneering as Kira and Jerome walked by their table.

Jerome quickly turned to a group of lords' wives at the third table beyond the table of their husbands. "Mrs.Browne, is it not?" he addressed directly to the woman in blue, who nodded in response. "I'm sure Lord Cyrus Browne will not be pleased to hear of his wife speaking ill of the future queen of Rivea," Jerome warned his tone conveying a stern message in a warning tone before making his way to the high table.

The onlookers gasped, at the retrieving figures. They were aware of Lord Cyrus had been a staunch supporter of the King, and would not reflect well on him or his family if they ended up us Garry's family.

Mrs. Browne hung her head in embarrassment as the other women at the table dispersed leaving her all alone. Rico and Trina who had been following behind glanced at the solitary woman before continuing in front.

"Where is the lord who is being inaugurated?" Kira finally asked, after a long period of silence.

"He greeted you at the entrance," Jerome answered, "Perhaps you didn't recognize him, but he is here."

Kira turned to the man approaching them with a smile and looked at him intently. The man spoke. "Greetings, Your Highness and Sir Jerome," and he bowed respectfully.

Kira was taken aback. "Isn't he..?"

"I'm Markus's father," he introduced himself. "We have met once at the corn plantation."

"Greetings, Lord Reigns," Kira said with a nod. "It's pleasure meeting you again," she added, remembering their previous encounter at the corn plantation.

"I'm honored, Your Highness," Lord Reigns said and bow. "Markus has spoken highly of you, I'm delighted to finally meet the future queen of Rivea."

Kira smiled, "Thank you, I'm glad to hear Markus speak highly of me," she stood and bowed to the elder man.

"Excuse me, could you kindly show me the location of the powder room?" Kira politely interjected as the man kept talking. Without delay, he summoned a maid to escort Kira to the restroom.

As Kira excited the powder room, she accidentally collided with a man. "I'm sorry!" she quickly apologized. Stepping back. But she couldn't help but think. 'Shouldn't this be designated women's powder room?'

She raise her gaze and was met with the unexpectedly familiar face of the man, who greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good evening, milady," he said cordially.