Is it the Guardian or the Lucifer?

Drey felt like he was in heaven, immersed himself in the cold river bed. Now that the cobra was thriving in him, it yarns for this place more. A home. No a cold home where it has always belonged. Drey was normal in eyes of people, one who conquer any kingdom alone and what might come his way. But the Cobra King was always inside him. That's what many didn't know even he. Closing his ember-ray eyes he drifted into a long slumber.

I'm exhausted. The river bed is where I have been dreaming ever since I knew I reside in the body of royalty but was born to be crowned prince as the son of a ruthless ruler. The ruthless King will rule with greed and doesn't care about how the people he ruled felt.

The devil is what they all called me, bloodthirsty human, they all pointed out when they heard about the crowned prince of Rosario. "Aaah!!" Rosario, the land where the flowers grow, the roses were what was grown previously until Regan took the throne.

I used to hide nobody knew how I looked except for my parents and grandfather. I used to bury my head in the royal laboratory and the libraries just for me to mix with people.

They never pointed fingers when I mix alongside them but they pointed fingers at the uniqueness of my appearance.

They said I'm a devil, but I believe them, I'm not only a devil but a Cobra King they were always true but they couldn't rub it on my father's face and only whispered when I mix around with them. Rubbing it directly at the grey-haired boy and flammable eyes. The famous and dangerous King Cobra they say.

A venomous Cobra King with ember-ray eyes they were the stories that will scare the mischievous children in the villages.

I was the one, they should have known that but they don't need to know. They all thought I don't know but I once had a conversation with the cobra part of me.

The monster in my head speaks. Why can't I just be free? From the shackles of your body. Why don't you tell me? I would always answer but my ruthless father thought I'm a mad crowned prince. He used to feed me poison as food and forced blood on my mouth as wine.

I started hissing in my dreams. I didn't think it was that bad. It was just from my mind, that came down to my mouth.

Drey Winger Ron Regan is an Advanced Worrier. They will shout wherever I returned home victorious behind my mask I will watch. Holding my sword by my arm I would help them clap. Bathing in blood was too exciting.


The nights turned gloomy and the days were brighter, and the time didn't stop even once to wait. Wait for his return.

Kira walked alongside the riverbanks her bare feet leaving footprints behind. After the long walk on the sand and the cold nights, she was exhausted but was pushed to walk further.

The hole seemed deeper than she imagined. She stopped for a breath and glanced ahead of her the torch had stopped moving too when she had stopped. Behind was dark but the deep footprints left behind by her couldn't go unnoticed by the water creatures.

Is it a Guardian angel or the musician Lucifer? she wondered.

Should she be scared and run away? But looking at the small moving torch her curiosity was piqued, it made it easier for her to keep going. Gathering the little strength she was left with she proceed into the dark hole. The entrance stone had two large arts curved in the shape of snakes. The floor was spread with sand, it was cold but not wet.

As she proceed inside the unlit entrance, inside was a speck of dim light. Strange, we're holes supposed to be dark? she glanced at the walls, it was curved with snake art shapes. The first art was a den of snakes precisely young snakes posed for an ancient group art picture. The small snakes lay in front as the young raised their heads behind.

It was a strangely beautiful piece of art. 'The artist did it from the heart,' she thought. She let her hands touch and feel how the walls were curved, so real so true.

Her legs only encourage her to move forward and when she turned to a corner a big black cobra statue was placed above the throne. It has ember-ray eyes she could feel it burning her body intensely while staring at her.

Kira was out of breath, she sat upright and rub her eyes repeatedly. She needed to confirm that she was still in the King's private chambers within the castle. The vividness of the dreams made her feel as if her hand are still touching the drawings on the wall.

Kira scanned her surrounding but was met with an eerie silence. It has been nearly a week since Drey's disappearance and despite her effort, there was still no sign of him. Alex has been tirelessly following her every move, even when she stealthily ventured to search for Drey. His ability to track her down was almost uncanny like a hunting animal that could sense her presence in the darkest of shadows.

Rico kept his lips sealed while Trina and Jerome remained vigilant staying awake until Kira fell asleep.

Over the past few days, Kira buried herself in the laboratory and library devoting herself to study and research. She successfully managed to divert her attention to an oak tree medicine invention.

Other than immersing herself in research, Kira found herself seated lost in thoughts the balcony as she gazed at the castle gates. She spent her time searching for any sign of Drey's whereabouts and his arrival but to no avail. The gates remained stubbornly closed providing no hints of his return.

The night of Lord Niva's inaugural ceremony had arrived and King Drey was still missing. Tension filled the castle as everyone anxiously awaited his return. That evening as Kira awakened Rose came to assist with her bath. Kira lingered in the tub for an extended period causing Rose to become concerned. Realizing she had caused undue worry to the young maid Kira promise to get out soon.

After Rose helped Kira dress, she walked to the window and gazed outside at the scene below.