If she's the perpetrator

Kira blurted out a question without realizing the surprise on Jerome's face. "Can a fortune teller predict my future or identify anything special about me?"

"I don't have much knowledge about fortune tellers," Jerome replied, gazing at her intently.

Then he asked, "May I ask why you are interested in their predictions? Personally, I don't trust their readings."

"I was just considering how they operate in predicting someone's future," Kira responded nonchalantly, not wishing to dwell on the topic and risk arousing suspicion.

Jerome cautioned Kira, "It's best not to associate yourself with them, especially since they might try to take advantage of you once they realize you're a member of the nobility."

Kira's complexion showed her confusion, and even sitting down seemed to pose a problem. She stood up abruptly, wanting to rush away, but was stopped by the head maid. Just then, elder Leah entered the room with a smile, carrying a kettle and a cup.