It was nice

"Sydney, is everything alright?" Drey asked, noticing the hesitation in the clumsy butler's expression.

Sydney fidgeted, meeting the King's gaze briefly before lowering his eyes, "It's about Lady Anna, Your Highness. She was seen following some of our maids at the market, but when Amon noticed her, she vanished from his sight."

"I understand. Was she alone or accompanied by anyone else?" Drey inquired.

"The reports suggest she was alone," Sydney replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

As Sydney bowed to leave, the King issued an order, "Send the recruits to every inn around Rivea. Ensure that they check in as civilians."

Sydney nodded swiftly and left the room. The King knew that the recruits were usually stationed at the training grounds before being brought to the castle, which would make Sydney's task easier.