The surprised visitor

Kira was awakened by the bright sunlight that seeped through the partially drawn curtains, causing her to rub her eyes and scan her surroundings. As she glanced around the room, she noticed her maid, Rose, emerging from the bathroom.

"Good morning, milady," Rose greeted with a slight bow, proceeding to open the windows and let in the fresh morning air.

Kira returned the greeting, noting that it was unusual for the maids to come in when she, or Drey, was still in bed. "Is everything alright, Rose?" she inquired.

Rose approached the bed and began to fold the covers, assuring Kira that everything was fine but adding that she had a visitor. Kira was surprised to hear this, as she had not been informed of anyone's arrival and wondered if the king had permitted visitors to enter the castle.

"Did the king agree to anyone visiting the castle?" she asked.