Chapter 9: First Battle

Looking at all the people fighting the wolves it was a pretty uneven match considering that the amount of players in the wilderness almost doubled the amount of wolves spawning around the area.

Broken Fire noticed that most people killing the wolves had only 1 (White) tier equipment for whatever combat class they picked starting items.

For instance Swordsman got a (White) tier sword(Special Ability: Slash(10 damage, Cooldown 5 seconds)) instead of a heavy armor set of (White) tier equipment that Guardians got starting off.

To balance this the Swordsman class got a special ability called Focus(Boosts damage by 20% for the next 5 seconds, Cooldown 5 minutes)

Where as Guardians got the special ability Taunt(Makes enemies want to attack you more) which is a necessity for a tank in a group fight. However since they did not get a damage ability there gear of (White) armor set(Helm,Chest,Legs,Boots,Gloves)collectively gives them 25% less damage to what other people there same level would get hit for.

For every player at Level 1 they have 100hp and there damage taken and given is based on by skills and regular attacks.

Considering all of this Broken Fire was a little distort at Combat classes getting such a huge advantage to attack skills, but being reminded of his newly broken class it made him smile.

Rushing over to the nearest wolf he could find alone he attack with he used the ability on his sword Great Slash dealing 25 damage to the wolf.

Observing the Wolf he saw that it was Level 1, the collective community found out that for each new level gave every player, NPC, and Monsters in the game gained a base 100hp for every level.

Theoretically a Level 100 would have 10,000hp but in Higher Heavens because of there gear this chances to exponential.

Broken Fire also noticed that he could not see the health points of any wolf or person. After attacking with the Great Slash ability he used a regular attack afterwards to deal 20 additional damage to the wolf.

The wolf still looked perfectly fine taking 45 damage and afterwards attacked Gruv biting into his Chest area, while gnawing on his chest he noticed for himself(Only you can see your hp unless someone has a special item) that his hp was at 190, taking 10 damage from the Bite.

While the wolfs was still near him after biting him he struck down with the hilt of his sword(Blunt Weapon?) using the Special Skill he got when he changed to Divine Blacksmith, Pounding!

Special Ability: Pounding(Pounds the enemy with a hammer or blunt object dealing 10% of the users total maximum health(Gear included) in damage, Cooldown 20 seconds)

After dealing 10% of his max health(20) damage to the Wolf its whole body was highlighted bright red.

This signifies that the wolf is bloodied and is half hp(Will be useful for determining health of future bosses, monsters, etc...)

Since Broken Fire knew that the wolf had no gear and was level 1 from his observation he knew it had 35hp left.

After hitting it with the blunt attack the wolf slammed into the rocky dirt getting stunned from hitting a surface.

With this opportunity of the wolf being stunned the cooldown just came off of Great Slash, so in the moment he used the ability and sliced off the hind legs of the wolf dealing another 25 damage.

Broken Fire knew the wolf was on its last legs(get the joke) at 10hp.

After being attacked and breaking out the stun the wolf looked like a bloody mess on the floor.

It lunged its head forward to try and ankle bite Broken Fire.

Right as he was about to be bitten he punched down with his fist using a regular attack(regular attacks can be used on any part of the body or any weapon equiped)

Dealing 20 damage, a little overkill, the wolf died and its body vanished from New Heaven.

What was left behind was a set of (White)Wolf claws, a (White)Wolf Hide, and 4 copper coins which he picked up and put into his inventory.

What left Broken Fire confused was how there was no EXP bar in this game and that it was all up to the game to decide when the character leveled up, a hidden level up system.


Congratulations on Unlocking the Heavenly Auction!
