~Zayne Beckett~
Finally, we're back home from a long trip. I know, it was just the weekend. Walking in that desert took longer than expected. I was certainly grateful for the little personal flight.
We were back to school as normal and we've all agreed to not travel until the new year. Especially with exams and the 'Annual Winter Ball' coming up.
It's like Prom, but not at the same time.
The school uses the basketball court every year to plan a huge winter ball for every grade. Last year, there was an entire buffet, great music choices, and amazing decorations. I'm not gonna lie when I say someone poured alcohol in the punch bowl.
Even though last year was great, I wasn't going. I know it was the last year I'd ever experience Mason doing ridiculous dead dance moves while everyone was partially drunk and even cheered him on. But this year, I was leaving it to Carter and Nadia.