After his escape from slavery, Valas Belaem del Pharm founded the temples of the order towards galactic sector 1181, arriving at the end of galactic sector XIII and beginning of galactic sector XIV,
Being that Simoros Dohor led the priests of the temples of the order, with the title of the current leader of the temples of the order being Archimandrite, in which Simoros said goodbye to visit the Capitol of the Guardians of the galactic squadron of the hourglass of the Order, in which he left Amarur Nabelrus in charge.
When Simoros refused to side with the Um-Mu sect, an envoy named Dolon Daemba was ordered.
All this, to convert and recruit Amarur and ensure that the temples of the order stay out of the affairs of the Um-Mu sect, in which Amarur was a tough leader and exiled all the priests who spoke out against her.
After the supernatural dimensions of the Faerias of Dolon were exposed by a squad of priests from the cult of Um-Mu, he confessed his interest in Amarur, in which he then convinced her to leave Faerun with him, to his place of origin, Galactic Origin. of the Um-Mu cult, in which Amarur left control of the order's temples to Masilas Harbash as part of a council of three priests.
The order's temples housed many priests, all following the current Archimandrite, in which the order's temples often had no visitors, but was sometimes visited by squadron groups of priests from the cult of Um-Mu.
The planet of Dukradiunkan was a planet in the galaxy of the galactic colonies under the domains of the sect of Um-Mu, with satraps under the orders of Darkness through which between the portals and the galactic dimensions they expanded into their domains and opened up territories. towards the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the galactic alliance, which lay between the newly conquered territories of the galaxy of Rarimar.
Being that it ran from east to west, united before the portals and the galactic dimensions expanded in their domains and opened territories towards the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the Dukradiunkan galactic alliance of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the galaxies of Zaradon , with Spine of the World.
In which they were heading towards the galactic sector of the Northeast between the galaxies of Zaradon and Lurkwood to the south. It was full of tall grass and dandelions, its eastern edge being about 100 miles east of the Mirabar galaxy, in what was (falsely) thought by some to be the location of Gauntlgrym.
According to this, in which Dukradiunkan, being a dwarven prospector discovered the "greatest cache of gemstones the multiverse has ever seen" and then later built a house for himself and his companions using only his axe, he did not keep his mouth shut, spreading that got rich.
It was then, that he before that, of the arrival of his traders, in which he attracted the attention of mercenaries, bounty hunters, as well as thieves across the galaxy, even though the exact location, he never gave up, attracting the destruction of his village, even though it was the place, where he hid, continuing to pan for quite some time, even after the criminals had left.
SilverMoon-ShoreCrimson, in which was a village that was on the planet at the beginning of galactic sector 15 DR, in which circa 1439 DR galactic sector, in which the Drunawoods who massacred its inhabitants, in which the only citizen who survived the incident it was Dukradiunkan himself, who amidst mustering courage, called for reinforcements and help.
When he got a good deal, bargaining with his saviors, which in the case of Darkness, selling his ore and blacksmith work, while he lived alone, with no other inhabitant on the empty planet, when he surrendered the place, living a good life, on a paradise planet, when Darkness took over the planet, so he engaged in trading the gemstones.
The Temple of the Crimson Midnight Sun, which was an isolated underground temple found in the mountains of the South Central Territories of each cauldron between the dimensional seasons, being that it was dedicated to Zariel, the deity of the end, who is believed to have has been the resting place of the Heart Crimson Crystal at the end of Galactic Sector XIII DR.
In which for a few years after the attempted robbery, there were rumors of a strange cult that established a temple in these mountains, which is its protected location, owing to the riches, in which it was spread, as one of the sources of wealth, of the cult of Um-Mu, in which it may be connected in some way with the emergence of this new cult, until it spread towards the rest of the multiverse, one of its bases, was located in a gorge east of Kuldahar, almost two travel days on foot.
The temple consisted of two subterranean levels, carved into cave systems naturally formed in the mountains, in which personifications were depicted, with four massive statues of clothed figures standing outside the temple's entrance.
In which the primary dimensions between the dimensional slits are at the level of the temple, it featured a large foyer that housed another large statue of a clothed figure, in which instead of standing as sentries, this statue remained seated with its hands in its lap, palms facing forward. up.
To the left of the foyer were several smaller rooms, including a meeting area, storage space and a dedicated library, in which even to the right were several corridors that connected to a descending staircase and the second level of the temple.
Even though the staircase led to a large, elliptical room, decorated with elaborate stonework, as well as articles, relics in which it opened onto a long corridor adorned with half a dozen supporting columns, in which its turquoise-colored tiles were used. to grace the corridor's floors, walls and supporting columns, at the end of the corridor was a set of massive double doors that closed off a naturally formed passageway.
This last passage opened onto a raised platform within an expansive cavern, with an altar and an accompanying solid gold pedestal, which housed the Heart Crimson Crystal, which was built on top of the platform and two fires were built. built some distances on either side, and there seemed to be some form of volcanic activity or continuous flame inside this cave.
This place had an atmosphere lit by large cylindrical braziers and torches set in wall sconces.
The temple was considered a sacred place by the " followers of Zariel of the sect of Um-Mu" and its guardians.
Following from the end of galactic sector 13 DR, the temple of the crimson midnight sun was inhabited by the priests and their protective followers of the One-One cult, in the galactic sector of the Flame of the Burning Soul stone, 1281 DR, in that the temple was overrun by followers of the goddess Nalotaris and many of the giant relatives were killed, in which the Storne-Hearth-Shadow Gen.
Being that unfortunately it was almost stolen from the temple, being that the Storne-Hearth-Shadow Gem was a green stone, looking like a gemstone, for when they took it, it changed color by the blood of its usurper, when she performed a nightmare, transforming him into a statue, draining his blood, as he was caught by an immense flower, created by an idiotic thought.
Even though the power crystal had far-reaching divination in addition to fulfilling twisted desires of the mind and heart, with the power of healing and the power to see what is hidden from standard divination, in which tremendous magical power was needed or priestly to use it, when the artifact was the reason Kuldahar was in the galactic alliance of eternal summer, along with the great celestial tree.
Even though the origin of the Storne-Hearth-Shadow Gem was unknown, as it long resided in the druid's shrine in Kuldahar; the druids used their powers of divination to see the lands around them and scrutinize the affairs of people across the Realms.
Several ages ago, when a young priest from a rival temple, recruited by the temple of the sect of Um-Mu, grew tired of the humble teachings of his mentor, the Arch Druid, in which he craved power of his own, when he offered a reward. , for his conversion, in which he stole the Storne-Hearth-Shadow Gem.