Being that it was that of an ancient group that had stolen the stone, which he recovered, fleeing from there, when he poisoned several druids, in which it ended up in a temple dedicated to the great deity of the end, Zariel, when the priests of the same deity placed it on an altar at the back of their temple, but the role it played in their religion like anything else in their faith was called the unknown.
When the Storne-Hearth-Shadow Gem was later reclaimed by ancient priests, it was a seat of the apparently tainted dragon god worshipers who were agents of the Selenian Yxuanmeryu. When Yxuanmeryu was defeated by a squad of priests from the cult of Um-Mu, the power crystal was taken to the priest of the undead cult, being an elf Zaradarlkel, who used his powers for the benefit of the squad of priests from the cult of Um. -Mu.
When the power crystal was returned to Kuldahar at the beginning of Galactic Sector XIV, where its circle of heat grew, where it can be used for the heart's desires, in a corrupted way, against its enemies.
At some point, the undead hordes of Ras Nsi pursued the Weashow communities on this one planet in the galaxy the forces of the galactic colonies, which was under the domains of the sect of Um-Mu, with satrap kings under the orders of Darkness. , in which they eradicated their numbers.
The Curse of the Forgotten and Eternal Sleep, which was a disastrous and far-reaching event that occurred in Dimension of Ziaritus in the last years of Galactic Sector XV DR, with the curse preventing its inhabitants from waking up, even using sorcery spells. of life, in which he caused creatures that were previously resurrected from death to wither and die or sleep eternally.
It was known to have affected beings in Dimension of Ziaritus for at least a few dozen days, this being the curse of the forgotten and eternal sleep caused by a necromantic artifact called Crystal Green Souls that was located inside the Dungeon of Crypt of Full Moon of the Divinities of Zunadar.
Being that they were about to appropriate some ruins, to found a part of the cult in countless cities to reform them and take possession of Umonar, in which it was built by the demilich Gukilaziburasys, with the Crystal Green Souls absorbing the souls of dead and those who had risen from the dead, in order to siphon them into an atropal.
The only known means of stopping the curse of the forgotten and eternal slumber being the complete destruction of the Crystal Green Souls.
While the curse of the forgotten and eternal sleep was in effect, many mystical beings, aliens, natives, refugees, immigrants and travelers began in a period between dimensions and quarantine zones across the galaxies, when they began to spread, in who both began to languish and eventually die, others fell asleep never to wake up, in which being that while traveling to another supernatural dimension of Faeria's existence or planet, between colonies and across galaxies.
That being what did nothing to stop the loss effect once it started, in which also during this period, liches were unable to keep their souls within their phylacteries.
Arrigaris, who was also known as Theriwers, in which he was an undead who acted as a supervisor in the Dungeon of Cript of Full Moon of the Divinities of Zunadar.
When he was alive, Theriwers was an Umonaran engineer named Arrigaris, but when Gukilaziburasys enslaved the planet, he was put to work building the Dark-Star Crypt Temple and altars, as well as the ceremony centers and their various traps.
Nashiriboncres was originally created by seven liches who set out to create an item of the greatest power, it was as an insult to the races that these undead priest-kings planned to conquer the multiverse, in which they began trying to invade or even usurp the powers of the undead. priests of Zarathanis, they designed the artifact to draw its strength from the moon itself,
Upon completion of the artifact, amidst a struggle, plus an intervention by the priests of Zarathanis who invaded their lair, in which the liches were consumed by the overwhelming power of their binding magic, in which before they finished completing the stone , which would absorb the power of the life-giver, the moon itself.
Since they managed to modify their source of extraction, instead of extracting the power from the moon, the priests converted it to extracting the power of life, from the sun, in which the conscious aspects of these evil creatures were obliterated by the properties similar to the relic's sun and the pieces of their spirits were absorbed by the artifact.
With that, when the seven extraordinarily powerful liches that created Nashiriboncres, enter the primary dimensions between the dimensional rifts Grandfather Wu, Fetchigrol, Zlan Clervish, Vaeristhelph Rex, Argent Black, Vlad Xil Haerven, Solmé of Gharr.
Nashiriboncres came through the primary dimensions between the dimensional rifts, once in the multiverse between dark dimensions millennia ago in the distant land of Harakzas.
Tsuki knew that in a period of time, between future months, amidst betrayal and stealing the power of the sun and moon, when it led to a thousand years of darkness on each of the planets of a distant galaxy.
- I have to say, they went down the path of betrayal. - Tsuki said in the middle of leading a group towards the big stone.
In which at the time, the artifact was just a mage's tool, albeit a large and powerful one.
So, being that she could cast fireballs and create great walls of light so intense they could burn flesh to bone, then little was known about the Dark- Shardkundilkd Crystal's dark and sinister past until it fell into Darkness' hands. , who upon seeing it looked like a power that Tsuki warned about the betrayal of a splinter group of priests, in which he commanded a squad towards taking the power of the crystal for himself in addition to handing it over to Darkness.
When the forces of Darkness learned about this stone, amidst the betrayal of a priest who was killed, when returning with the help of a group of priests who were persecuted, while preventing from trying to conquer the multiverse.
When Tsuki in his spies, aided by followers of Darkness, in which he used the stream's power he learned the truth about Nashiriboncres, it was with the help of his many priests from the sect of One-One.
So can you understand the emanation? – Darkness questioned him.
When Tsuki remembering his trip to the end of time, then, remembering the records he took.
It was then that he decided that the liches' work was incomplete.
Being that Darkness, even if he was by his side, they, however, had already dominated a good part of the multiverse, and if he left there, another would come to use the power of the stone, being able to dominate the multiverse, in which he only wanted an existence. controlled, with the satraps at her command, knowing she would be in good hands.
So, learning to control, using the artifact's newest power, Darkness, with his engineers, in which he commanded and organized a front, in which they created a line of crystalline towers that stretched from his capital through the empty desert to the second planet of his realm, a frontier planet often protected with hordes from intrusion, which he was about a day's travel away from at intervals.
In which he erected as many as a hundred of these towers, nearly completing the defensive line, in which, however, Darkness overestimated Nashiriboncres' powers.