It was there that the contingent of employers joined the Association, in which Tsukino Miki Hikaru Delphos Kamisama shamelessly managed to extract thousands of dollars of tribute and debt from terrified restaurateurs for Eisner.
With the amounts of all the bribes, the bribes themselves were intercepted in the middle of transport between the roads and were never seen again, in which some people were denounced and a certain judge did not accept a bribe from a mafioso, and they went to trial, in which during Eisner's tax trial, seeing that he began to suspect that Martin was stealing from the Shake Down operation.
Even so, in which Eisner had recently discovered a $70,000 disparity in the books, others had disappeared, and did not know the true values, in which so much was missing an amount, and that no one had ever heard of, not even to an accountant, but blamed other people, the exact figures would be enough to kill.