- I told you that here is to de-stress you. - He said. "You can do here what you can't do up there. – The demon said.
- Well, three more kills, I'll go back to the surface to continue business. – Tsuki said.
- Happy holidays, I say. – The demon said.
- That's it, thanks for the opportunity. - Tsuki said, sitting next to the accusation...
- So you're on their side. – Sherman said.
- There's nothing better than killing you from the competition before it grows. – Tsuki said.
So they sat down, when the judge in that case, a six-eyed, yellow-eyed blue demon amidst beasts of war, demonic beasts, was there to roar, enjoy the view...
- So, we have the witnesses, the court and the trial will begin. – The judge said, let the defense rule. – The blue demon said.
His adviser was his lawyer, like a short woman with tiny horns that was barely visible beneath her thick blond hair.
- Now let the trial begin, please begin the defense. – The devil judge said.