Last day.

He was continually teased by Harold, the Warriors Society's Flash Light.

At that time, in the Watch Tower, when they had arrived from a mission.

In his Dark-Dragon uniform, in which the hero who wore a green lamp, around them, when he started throwing food at him, in which the sum was simply, putting pepper and wasabi in his food.

Tsuki who, in addition to being a hero, was intelligent, so, to top it off, he was a great cook, before eating, he punched Flash Light in the stomach, throwing pepper in his food, in addition to picking up the pie, pulling the chair.

Then he pulled him, taking his ring off his finger, punching him twice, nobody there did anything, since it was the whole week of teasing.

- Astro-Star warned him four times, I don't want to catch up with you. – Speedster said, leaving the kitchen, with Harold's request for help.