Tsuki looking around, that place it seemed, would be a mirrored version of the temple he was sent to, the outside, it was a mix of fire red desert, a red sun of a cracked land, dry with fires and lava that gushed like geysers out of the earth, around them, then back into that dusty dome, was a huge library of records.

- What is this place anyway? – Tsuki asked no one in particular.

- This is the world of the end that converges to the end of everything, this is the cycle of the infinite world that leads to the end of time, it is called the library of the end, which shows the records of all ends. - The demon said.

- What do you do here? – Tsuki questioned him.

- Waiting for release, besides the one who wants the end and revenge. - He said.

- Long time waiting. – Tsuki was going towards a huge open book, and when touched it told a story that converged to all the ends of time.