Chapter 10: I’m just here for the conversation

Sunz: You're lucky that we have nothing to learn and why the hell is that story so long and horny.

Jihu: I don't know it's her story and that's how she writes it.

Sunz pause: Wait… the Princess writes this herself.

Jihu: Yeah someone was able to translate her diary and turn it into a book.

Sunz: So do you have the book?

Jihu brought out another book then said: If I wasn't planning on telling you the story I wouldn't have brought it.

Sunz: Is this your way of telling me to read more if yes then I'll gladly accept it.

At that moment Sunz and Jihu hear some arguing and it was Class rep arguing with someone but they pay no attention. Then the argument stops but now everyone starts to look at Sunz and Jihu.

Sunz said to Jihu: Why the hell did the class just become so silent?

Jihu looks around, and sees that everyone is looking at him and Jihu then suddenly class rep yells "Sunz, Jihu come here right now."

Sunz and Jihu walk to where the argument takes place then ask "What's wrong" Then in front of their class was Laikan.

Class rep: Do you know this student he just came here asking for both of you.

Sunz: Yeah we know him he was the rain dancer.

Class rep said to Laikan: So you are the runaway student.

Laikan: Don't worry that was the last time and no more.

Class rep is suspicious of what Laikan said.

Laikan: Can I please have a talk with my friends?

Class rep sighs: Sure don't let the teacher catch you all.

Sunz and Jihu then follow Laikan to a hidden location in the school.

Sunz: So what do you want why calling us to this "location"

Laikan pulls out a vape and says "Watch this" Then he blows a vape cloud and shoots lighting at it turning it into a storm ball that can be pushed around.

Sunz and Jihu: That's cool

LaiKan said "Yeah I know but vaping is bad tho" then he threw the vape into the trash can.

Jihu tells Sunz that he wants to talk with Laikan for a bit. Sunz said, "Sure go ahead I want to check out this book a bit."

It's now just Sunz standing there flipping through the history book until he landed on a particular page containing an image of the 4 boys training on the right side of the book while the girl smithing on the left side of the book. There is one thing about the girl bugging him and it's her appearance it's the same as Sword's best student appearance.

Sunz then approaches Jihu and Laikan to ask: Hey guys how accurate are the pictures used in this book and how old is this book?

Jihu wonders why Sunz asks such a specific question but still gives him the answer: Well the book actually had been reprinted throughout the history but no one knows who wrote the original. Despite that the picture I think is the same. Is there something bothering you?

Sunz is a bit stressed out: Yes but I can't tell you why. I'm gonna head back to class first you two can keep talking.

Laikan: Don't get caught by the teacher!

Sunz: Ok

As Sunz walks away Jihu and Laikan continue their conversation.

Laikan: You think Sunz can actually win the tournament, from what I see he isn't on par with other contestants.

Jihu: You're right from technique to strength he has none compared to those of the same age as him. But only knowing him for more than 1 year he's the type to "Fuck around and Find out".

Laikan: If he can get in the final I'll be there to see him win the tournament.

Jihu: Thank you it will make his day. So going back and showing your grandpa what you've achieved?

Laikan: Yeah after that I'll take on the clan's final challenge "Steal Zeus's heart".

Jihu: Good luck and don't die, the final challenge always has casualty.

Laikan: Also good luck with training Sunz.

Laikun and Jihu then go back to their class, that will be the three last meet up before the tournament.

On the way back to class early, lost in his thinking Sunz suddenly heard "Young boy come here". He then looks around and sees no one except the janitor cleaning the floor. The Janitor then looks up at him and said "I heard you're looking for a girl". Sunz is confused with what he said.

Sunz: Mister I don't know what you are talking about.

Janitor: Sorry I was being too vague. You are trying to find more information on the blacksmith lady right?

Sunz: Um.. yes, did you eavesdrop while we were talking?

Janitor smile: Maybe I did or maybe I know what you're capable of and just trying to help.

Sunz is interested in what the man is saying: Well a mysterious janitor started talking to me, I think should start treating these events as something normal and not something out of this world. So what are you allowed to tell or want to tell me?

Janitor: Is that what kids these days think, anything can happen no matter how out of reach they're?

Sunz: Oh no just me, after everything that happened with me in the past week I now just think anything can happen.

Janitor: You sure are strange, but I'll tell you what I want to tell. The book you're reading I was the author and I'm also the merchant in the book.

Sunz is super surprised: What the heck how are you still alive and why are you telling me this?

Janitor: I'm telling you this so you can be motivated to win the tournament and after that, you can find her. That tournament is your future.

The Janitor then disappears in front of Sunz. He then mutters "Am I INSANE". As Sunz returns to the classroom he notices that everyone suddenly talking about him and the only thing he can think of is "I wish Jihu were here so he can eavesdrop for me."

After Sunz returned to his desk and while reading the book Class rep out of nowhere approached him.

Sunz: Can I help you?

Class rep: What were you guys talking about?

Sunz: Do I have to tell you?

Class rep said "No you don't have to, but can you help with something" She then gave Sunz a letter.

Sunz: Who is this for? I know it's not for me.

Class rep: It's for Jihu I want to ask him out.

Sunz: Sure but how are you going to win his heart, as you know he rejected many before.

Class rep is annoyed with Sunz: That's none of your business. Why are you and him so close it makes no sense? You two are so different.

Sunz shrugs: I don't know, he just attracted me like a magnet and never let me go. But you why suddenly have such a mood change.

Class rep: Someone like you wouldn't know, maybe if you start talking with other girls you might understand.

Sunz: Now that's the "Class rep" I know having some kind of grudge against me. Don't worry your letter will be delivered, now go back you don't want Jihu to get suspicious.

Class rep goes back to her seat and Sunz continues reading his book until Jihu comes back.

Sunz and Jihu had a little chat, then while Sunz was giving Jihu Class rep's letter the school bell rang telling everyone to go home. It suddenly creates this romantic moment between Sun and Jihu.

Jihu: I know you see me as a family member but going as far as this is not like you at all. I'm sorry I can't accept it!

Sunz getting annoyed: Then good I'm not proposing to you anyway someone ask me to give you their confession take this and be her boyfriend or break her heart like usual.

Jihu takes the letter with a bright smile: This time it might be different. I can't believe they ask you as the messenger.

Sunz: I never know what you hid behind that smile but have fun and I'm coming this Sunday.