Chapter 11: It’s training time

It's Sunday the day that Jihu going to train Sunz to see his current level. Sunz arrives at the Dojo where Jihu family does their business.

Earlier that day, Jihu texted Sunz that " When you come have a look around the dojo if you like I am a bit busy so I can't greet you". While walking and exploring every nook and cranny around the Dojo, Sunz said to himself "Everything here looks nothing out of the ordinary, better not touch anything without permission."

The more he walks the louder he hears the sound of two wooden swords colliding. When he entered the location where the sound was coming from it suddenly stopped, and what he saw was Jihu being defeated by a woman with long blue hair and with no sign of injury on her body. The two then casually start speaking in Korean without knowing Sunz was there. As she helped Jihu stand up he noticed Sunz was watching.

Jihu waves at Sunz and tells the girl something in Korean as Sunz waves back in confusion. The girl then picks up Jihu's wooden sword and throws it at Sunz. Sunz catches the wooden sword, Jihu approaches Sunz and says "She wants to test your skill".

Sunz nodded and just did what Jihu said. While getting into their position to duel all Sunz can think of is "What did I get myself into, she just obliterates Jihu who is on the same level as Laikan, look like I'm about to be vaporized" with a calm face.

Standing on the left is the Korean girl with a bright smile. On the right is Sunz with a calm expression but inside his brain is thinking " I don't know the result all I know is just wing it".

The two are in a ready-stand Jihu countdown "3…2…1… Slash".

The girl attacks first, suddenly Sunz sees the sword movement before it can reach him allowing him to dodge the first attack.

Sunz's mind "It's looks like reaction is the key" then his expression changes to a smile. The girl surprised by his sudden mood change she then falls back and gives him the hand gesture "Come at me".

Sunz charges in with a normal slash, he then sees how the girl going to counter his attack. Just like what he just saw the girl countered his attack but followed up with a quick jab at his body knocking him back.

Sunz's mind " I can see my opponent's first action but I need to be quick enough to see and deal with their second action. Ok, you dumbass let's see how many combos you can do against an expert."

"Again" Sunz yells then he attacks with a chain of normal attacks but changes the attack movement near the last second. But all that didn't work the Korean woman didn't even budge. Sunz's mind "My hand is numb, She is so strong and fast but what did I expect when fighting the final boss. Maybe I could try that skill."

Sunz's hand suddenly feel not numbing anymore but the sword started sparking. Take this moment Sunz attacked again but this time his attack felt more fluent and faster, the more Sunz attack the more spark came out of the sword then with a strike created an explosion knocking both sides off their foot.

Both Sunz and the girl get up. Sunz is fired up after what happened but the fire is soon extinguished. The girl's sword is now covered in water, with a slash she creates a projectile coming at Sunz. Sunz sees the direction of the projectile and can dodge it easily but trying to block the water slash results in getting the sword to destroy and a cut on his shoulder. But by looking away for a few seconds the girl then dashes at Sunz and stabs him in the wounded arm.

Being pinned to the ground but not in pain probably under an adrenaline rush and all he could say " Can you bandage me after this". The girl chuckles then removes the sword from Sunz and picks him up. Jihu comes to help Sunz and said " Look like she put you through hell".

Sunz: Yes she did but It was fun not gonna lie. But I might need some treatment on my arm.

Jihu: Oh no need you're not even bleeding!

Sunz gasped for air then showed Jihu his arm: Oh yes I do. Wait! What happened I got stabbed and slashed on this spot! Oh, right water clan specializes in healing.

Jihu: Sorry for making you go through all that I didn't expect my cousin to come here.

Sunz: Don't mind it! We had fun and no one died that's a win for me. And won't you introduce her to me?

Jihu: This is my older cousin "Han Jun" she is currently the best fighter in the clan.

Sunz and Jun shake hands then Sunz says: Now excuse me I need to borrow the bathroom, I can't stand my dirty hand!

Jihu: Sure go ahead and don't worry we won't go anywhere!

Later in the bathroom, while washing his hands Sunz said to himself "I hate language barrier", as he washed his face the mirror reflection suddenly changed his face into someone else which put him in a sudden shock.

Then the face in the mirror said "Remember me, kid".

Sunz tries to calm down: No I don't know who you are!

Mirror: Kinda give you a heart attack right kid! It's me the merchant, the book author.

Sunz realizes: Oh ok well you never show your face and you know… What bring you here?

Merchant: Well I heard that you want to know more language and I'm here to help.

The merchant then put a candy through the mirror. Sunz said, "Why are you helping me this is kinda suspicious". The merchant "Kid let's be honest you're weak, useless, and don't have any rare items so killing you gives me nothing. Plus us merchants don't kill people but we give people weapons to kill others."

Sunz sighs in relief "Well at least you are honest! If I eat this candy I'll know every language?"

Merchant: Yep, well gotta go now!

The mirror then returns to normal. Sunz said "I guess this is what they call beginner luck!" and then eat the candy.