Chapter 21: Round one Sunz VS Yama

Two days later is the day the tournament starts. Every contestant is instructed to go on the hotel's bus to where the tournament takes place.

Sunz is prepared for this day with his lightweight katana and wearing his black windbreaker jacket. After getting on the bus Sunz sees some of the contestants and their weapons. Some have the weapon hoisting on their hip, others holding it in their hand.

Sunz takes a sit, then the bus takes everyone to a mountain in Seoul where the whole tournament takes place.

After everyone arrives, Sogae comes out to greet them and explain the procedure.

Sogae: The first 2 contestants Sunz and Yama will be following me to the stadium. The others can go and watch the fight or prepare for their next match. There will be a 10 minutes delay before each match.

After that Sunz and Yama follow Sogae to the stadium. On the way, Sogae said to both of them "Feel free to go all out, the clan can patch you all up like nothing happen except if you vaporize the other. If you're unconscious and can't stand up anymore then you lose."

Sunz and Yama make it to where the battle takes place. A dirt field with audience seats built in 4 corners around it. One of the corners is for the highest rank of the "Water clan". There aren't many audiences watching, containing some from the clan and other contestants.

Sunz and Yama both get into their position waiting for Sogae to start the battle. Sunz wearing his black windbreaker jacket with a lightweight katana as his weapon. Yama wears baggy clothes, the back of the shirt has a traditional drawing of Mount Fuji, in front has a physics formula (F= m x a), and his weapon is a baseball bat.

Sogae starts the countdown and immediately disappears after the battle started.

In this battle, Sunz knows that he needs to be careful or else his weapon will be broken immediately.

Sunz (Ok! Look like it pure skill in this battle, and I'm in so much disadvantage. Yama using a blunt weapon and I can't predict his move. So I need to attack first and take control of the battlefield.)

Sunz with no hesitant dash toward Yama. Yama was surprised by Sunz's speed and decision, which allow Sunz to land his first hit. But as the sword touch Yama's skin, Sunz hear a (Pop) sound that sound like a bubble (Pop), and he was knockback to his original spot.

After that Yama slams his baseball bat to the ground sending a gust of wind at Sunz. Sunz is fast enough to react to Yama's attack. He quickly put the katana back in the sheath and then get in a position to withstand the high wind. Sunz stood his ground but he still got hit by the debris carried by the wind.

Yama: Now that we have traded blow, do you see the difference in our ability?

Sunz: Let's just say we both were going easy on the first round. So now round 2 you go first.

Yama grab the bat with two hands, prepare to smack it to the ground, and said "Let's see if you can make it to round 3". The bat after hitting the ground creates a huge shock wave that flings huge chunks of the ground at Sunz while making his ground unbalanced to stand on.

Sunz waits for Yama's attack coming as close to him as possible. While on shaky ground, Sunz got into his position with one hand on the sheathe and the other on the katana's handle. As the chunks of the ground getting close to hitting him. Sunz repeatedly swings the katana 180 degrees while putting it back into the sheath until the attack is over, surrounds his side of the arena with a dirt cloud.

Sunz comes out of the cloud, pointing his sword at Yama, and said "Round 2 done"

Yama is surprised that Sunz comes out alive with some debris on his windbreaker. He knows what kind of katana Sunz use but doesn't know how did it survive that attack.

Yama: Gotta say, you surprised everyone here.

Sunz: And I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. Now let's wrap up this battle.

Both get into their ready stance. Sunz takes the initiative to rush at Yama. In response to Sunz's action, Yama slams his bat continuously in four directions, up down left right. Which creates a tunnel of shock wave trapping Sunz inside, and Yama is waiting for him in front of the exit.

Sunz knows that he needs to keep moving forward in the dust storm while dodging the debris. He switches to using lighting element to make his escape.

Yama takes a few steps back to prepare if Sunz can make it through. As he stepped back he see that inside the tunnel keep having these flashes of light and a loud "BOOM". The sound then gets louder and louder then Sunz appear, as Sunz get closer Yama swings his bat, but he was surprised by one of Sunz's move.

At that same moment.

Sunz (Ok out of the smoke, next task is chipping his armor).

When Sunz gets close to Yama, made him attacks which creates a perfect opportunity for Sunz to dash under Yama's leg, using the recoil from the lightning. In a flash Sunz switch element and strike Yama's back. The attack was a success, but this strike create a much louder sound, stronger knock back and Sunz feels like he strike more than one layer.

After that strike, Sunz smirked and said to himself " It's now or never!". Right before being knocked back, Sunz switches back to lighting to counter the force, then use it to change position while switching to water to break the layers.

After getting a few more successful hits, Sunz feel like Yama's speed is faster than before and his feeling was right. On his next water attack, Yama's counter was on point, striking where Sunz was and he said "This end right now!!!"

Sunz replies "I should be the one saying that." When Yama's bat touch Sunz's katana water protection, Sunz quickly pulls the katana out, which leaves behind a motionless water wave slowing the bat's movement. After that moment Sunz side step to Yama's blind spot and strike him with duel element.

The front of the blade is covered with water while the back is with lighting. With the duel element combo, Sunz was able to break through the defense layers, resulting in the biggest explosion of that day. Which sent Sunz flying, slamming into the arena wall, but Sunz was quick enough to protect the katana from being broken.

The wind from the explosion then stops, but the field is still covered in dust. Sunz then hears a huge shock wave, which gives him a headache. After that, the arena is now clear of dust, but the one that did that was Yama. But this time his appearance is different, he is more slim and nimble. His clothes are different too, instead of baggy clothes it now sticks to him like a skin-tight suit and the art location is still the same but the (F= m x a) is now on his right arm.

Yama: It's time for you to start rolling!!!