Chapter 22: Round One Sunz VS Yama Part 2

Yama: I did not expect that I have to go all out on a newbie like you. But maybe I should call you a genius, due to the difference in our time training to be a swordsman.

Sunz ready his sword, "To be honest I don't have the strength like all of you". "So I need to make some adjustments" and rush at Yama.

Yama "Look like your gears are turning" then rushes at Sunz.

As both of them get closer to colliding Sunz keeps having these sharp headaches and each one is stronger than before. And as they collide Sunz graze through the bat like when he was practicing with the AI. But this time the sword isn't infused with water elements so it didn't hold Yama down.

Yama now with a faster body take a step back and strike Sunz in the gut. Flinging him to the wall of the arena. But that strike also gives Yama a head rush.

Yama's vision get a bit blurry, and he said to himself "I've never had to use this form this quickly", " and I could have ended this round with that strike."

Sunz after getting fling to the wall now is using it to keep his balance and start thinking. (Ok! His speed and strength switch stats… Ohhh!!! So that is why I keep having headaches. If his skill is different when strength and speed switch. Not to mention that physics formula.)

Sunz's whole body starts to tingle (That hit did more than I thought… It's time to let the adrenalin fuel this body.) Sunz infuses his sword with water and electricity, in a stance to swing his sword, as he swings it he dashes with electricity.

Which to his surprise it was a success and launch a wave of water at high speed at Yama.

Yama " So you still have more trick up your sleeve!" swing his bat in Sunz's direction and creates a shock wave that spits the wave into two, flying past him and dropping to the floor.

Sunz seeing that his idea work repeats it again, sending many waves of water at Yama. Letting the waves move a few seconds before him, Sunz use the wall to boost him rushing at Yama with his water waves.

Yama seeing that Sunz is trying to finish this round right here right now. He counters Sunz's attack by walking up to the water waves and destroying them with normal swing. Until there are no waves left he rushes at Sunz.

Then for some reason, he sees that Sunz's eyes are closed which makes him uneasy. So when he sees that Sunz is about to swing he stops a second before and swings his bat up in the air, which creates a storm-force wind in Sunz's path and he disappears with his speed.

Sunz right before getting hit by the storm-force wind stops and uses his build-up momentum against the storm. He then uses all that force to swing his water infuse sword in the air to create a half-circle water ring.

After that Yama appear to Sunz's right, swing his bat, and said "You thought I was going to strike from behind, didn't ya!". Sunz open his eyes and said, "That was a set up you fool."

Sunz infuses his sword with electric elements and swings it at Yama's bat. After being infused with electricity the water above Sunz's head attracted to the sword blade assisting it successfully slicing into the bat's body. And the electricity flow from the sword to the bat shocked Yama's entire body and knocked him out.

A few seconds pass. Yama is knocked out, Sunz is exhausted trying to keep balance, and thinks "Did I win?"

Sogae appears and announces "The winner of this round is… SUNZ". After that announcement, a medic team appears to carry Yama and Sunz to the arena infirmary.

Sogae "Everyone we will take a 10 minutes break before the next round."

Later in the infirmary after the medic team had done all the checks up and patching up on Sunz and Yama. They leave them alone.

Sunz just lay on the bed too tired to move. A few minutes later he hears some moving from Yama's bed.

Sunz: Hey you awake?

Yama: Yeah…

Sunz: Um sorry for trying to electrocute you.

Yama: Don't worry we were fighting to the death anyway. Plus I also underestimated you which is why I lost. But fighting against someone that knows how to use 2 elements is pretty rare.

Sunz: I guess so, but now that means other opponents know what trick I have up my sleeves.

Yama: I don't think so! Answer this question, Did you make up all of those moves during my second form or you planned it before?

Sunz: After being hit to the wall all of my moves after that was testing.

Yama: Wow pretty risky! Adjusting your moves set is pretty standard but make it up on the spot and test it. That is on another level of confidence.

Sunz: That's enough about me. I have some questions about you. Do you have a defensive ability that allows you to change form?

Yama: Yeah I called it "Layer", how it works is it can nullify all kinds of attacks at the cost of my body weight. But for me to take many hits I need to be round and chunky which is bad for a swordsman that uses speed.

Sunz: Then you figure out a way to use that ability to your advantage, is using a baseball bat?

Yama: Well switching from a sword to a bat feels somewhat natural to me. The hard part is getting used to switching body from fat to thin. Which is one of the reasons why I lost. Before fighting in the tournament I practice with other clan members. They all manage to take me down to my thin form, but the process is slow so I can get used to the new form.

Yama: But you! You take out my defense layer in an instant. If we were taking things slow my first hit on you after transform could have guaranteed me the win.

Sunz: Looks like everything that happen in that battle wasn't what we expected right?

Yama: Yeah experience can only help you out so much, the rest is always the element of surprise.

Sunz: Another question! Why a baseball bat?

Yama: It's the best weapon for creating shock waves, and depending on each form the shock wave will have different effect.

Sunz: Wait… Is that physic formula (f= m x a) also the reason for your switch to using a bat?

Yama: Yeah! Oh right, you don't know what my clan element is right? We are a branch from the earth clan and our element is "Shock wave".

Sunz: You Bitch! So that's why I was having so much headache while fighting your thin form.

Yama laughed haha: My strategy was using my fat form to do huge damage to your body with big shockwaves. When you take me down to my second form I try to knock you out with my speed and light shockwave.

Sunz: That was brilliant, that formula is also the key for me to come up with new moves. So is your clan switching from sword to bat?

Yama: Well some are, while the others carry a small bat as a support weapon.

Sunz: Look like you change a clan tradition.

Yama: That just gives my clan another practical weapon choice.

Sunz: So what are planning to do now?

Yama: I guess for now watch this tournament to the end then go back, training to defend the clan while trying to live a normal life.

Sunz: Well I have a favor to ask!

Yama: Sure what you want.

Sunz: Teach me your clan element

Yama: Really? Here I thought you were asking me to teach you how to cook.

Sunz: I don't have enough training as you guys, so I'm going to use different elements to put myself on an equal field as you guys.

Yama: Sure I guess I can try.

Sunz: Nice!

Yama "That settles! Now if you don't mind I'm gonna take a nap." Then he falls asleep.

Sunz: At least they have a TV for us to watch the tournament.

On the TV the next round is about to start and it is between Grace and someone. And before the battle starts a snowstorm appears on the field covering the arena in ice and snow.

Sunz sees that Grace's shoes can change into ice-skating shoes. The battle between Grace and her opponent ended in a flash. Grace was able to control a slippery and cold arena while her opponent was unable to keep their balance, resulting in the winner of that round being Grace.

All of the other round until Grimm's turn has nothing special. Except for one round where this girl with long black hair dominates her opponent's clan element with only her sword skill and speed.

Now it is finally Grimm's turn. His opponent uses a duel katana while Grimm himself looks like he is not carrying his weapon. The battle starts off with Grimm provoking his opponent letting them hit him first. The man attacked Grimm in the neck.

But to everyone's surprise, it breaks when come in contact with Grimm's neck. Taking that moment Grimm delivers a right hook to the opponent's face knocking them out. The battle ended with Grimm as the winner.

After watching all of the fight Sunz said to himself

"This tournament is getting more exciting"