Chapter 24: Grimm Back Story (2.5)

After a few seconds, both of them get teleported. When they both appear, San gets hit by a strong wind knocking her off her feet, but Grimm quickly responds by grabbing the neck of her shirt to prevent her from falling.

Grimm held on to San's shirt while checking the distance between their current location and the mission location.

San looks around her surrounding and realizes that they are on top of a building.

San asks "Mr.Grimm why are we on top of a building?"

Grimm(-4): So we can scout out the area, and have the element of surprise on our side.

Grimm(-4): Ok! According to the mission that bank down there is our target.

San: So what are we waiting for?

Grimm "Wait a bit." And hand her a piece of velcro. "This is a communication device, stick this on your clothes or skin then we can communicate without being near each other. After sticking it on remember this, hand open will record everything around you, hand closed will record what you want to say without needing to open your mouth."

San sticks the velcro to her back, after this action she can hear Grimm's voice but he not moving his mouth.

Grimm(-4): There are two threats inside the bank. Both have superpowers, one is super strength and the other is ice manipulation.

San: So do you have any plans?

Grimm(-4): You get on top of the bank for a surprise attack, I'll storm in there to lure both of them out and the rest is up to skill.

San: Wait… wouldn't it be too dangerous to go in alone. I can help…in some way.

Grimm(-4): Your ability harm everyone around you so you can't fight in cramped spaces. And don't worry these guy superpowers are too common so I know how to deal with them. Just trust me and do your best.

San: Ok I trust you, sir. I'll get in my position.

Grimm goes up to the bank and kicks the doors open.

Inside the bank, everyone has been frozen. The two threats are breaking open the vault. Grimm picks up a pistol near the frozen security guard and shoots at the threat, the bullet misses but at least he got their attention.

Ice: Look at this brother we have a homeless guy trying to be a hero.

Strength: What should we do? He has a gun!!

Ice "Here takes this and get rid of him." Create an ice hammer for Strength.

Strength now holding an ice hammer: Oh frosty. Can I eat this?

Ice: Once we bring the money back to Uncle. He will give you a fridge full of ice cream. So knock him out then we can go home.

Strength "Ok!" with his hulking body storming at Grimm and slamming the hammer on the ground.

Grimm dodges the attack with ease, using his fast movement to get past Strength and approach Ice.

Ice whispers (You can't beat both of us alone, homeless man). And he creates a wall to separate himself from Grimm and Strength battle. While he continues breaking into the vault.

San waiting on top of the bank hearing a lot of ruckus. (Should I go in, but he told me to wait for the signal…)

Ice after covering the vault door in ice. He shatters it which creates a bunch of debris drops onto the floor, shaking the whole bank. San can feel the whole building rumbling. On top of the bank, she can see that the police are closing all of the roads near the bank.

San communicates with Grimm "Are you ok down there? I heard a lot of noise and the building also shake for a bit."

Grimm(-4): I'm just fighting a Goliath right now. Apparently the "Ice guy" can create a wall to prevent me from getting him outside. So you are going to fight him alone.

San: Wouldn't it be better to do 2 v 1 and move on to the next one?

Grimm(-4): I can take care of this big guy alone. Take this as a 1 v 1 training, if you have a feeling that you can't beat the "Ice guy" get out immediately.

San: Ok! Roger that!

San uses her ability to melt the floor she stands on and drop down into the bank. After getting in she sees that the vault door has been shattered into pieces. She engulfs her body in flame and walks in.

San shout: Stop right there you villain you are under arrest!

Ice sigh: Fire vs Ice! An unfair match for me they say.

San tries to reason: We don't have to do this. You have an amazing ability that can be used to help people. Why didn't you become a hero instead of living this life?

Ice: I could ask you the same question but the opposite. But it looks like you are still too naïve, try to capture more of us then you'll understand our ways of living.

Grimm mind (Wow this man prepare a speech. Now I need to babysit a walking flame while trying to put the big man to sleep.)

Strength scream: Stop running and fight me, YOU coward.

Grimm: Ok big boy can I buy you a chocolate ice cream for you to stop this chaos?

Strength: I don't like CHOCOLATE!!!

Grimm "Big boy getting cranky. Let me put you to sleep", then he pulls out two tasers from his coat. He keeps on dodging Strength attacks while also trying to paralyze his leg.

After a few rounds of tussling, Grimm was able to bring down Strength. Grimm (This guy is way tougher than other "super strength" I have fought in the past. Even the ice hammer did not break after all of that slam. Now better go make sure that San isn't killing herself.)

While Grimm was fighting this is how San's battle goes.

Ice attacks first by launching icicles at San, and she retaliates by launching fireballs back. But San wasn't able to get rid of all the icicles, so some of it was able to graze her skin and make her bleed.

Ice: That was a warning shot, I was going easy on you kid. If you can't even block that attack then you're useless.

San whisper (I'm not useless) and she rushes to attack Ice. Ice with his quick reaction kicked San in the stomach knocking her onto the ground.

Ice: I don't want to have a casualty on my hand so get out of here. No one needs your help.

San lying on the floor in pain. But what hurt her most was what Ice said "No one needs your help". And she keeps on hearing other voices whisper in her mind "You are useless, nobody needs you!"

Until she hears "San SAN are you there? If you can't talk then think, your word will be transferred to me."

San "Mr.Grimm is that you?"

Grimm "Yes it's me. Are you ok? I'm coming to help you now."

San "Mr. Grimm do you think I'm useless? And please tell me the truth!"

Grimm "San let me tell you something. You are not useless. You have a talent and it's up to you to show it to everyone. If you scare you run, if you brave you stay and fight. Useless are those that just stand around without taking action."

San smiled "Thank you Mr.Grimm I now know what I should do now."

San stands up and as she stands up the fire aura around her gets even stronger, way stronger than before and it even melts the communication device.

Ice "Now you have become a real nuisance" Then he creates an ice box to trap San inside. But immediately after that, the ice box vaporizes instantly.

San raises her palm and fires a stream of fire at Ice, but he manages to dodge it. The stream of fire was so hot that it burn through the wall of the vault.

Ice then summons a cloud above San that rains down icicles at high speed. The icicles retain their normal form while raining down but when it gets close to hit San's body. It vaporizes instantly.

Ice then sees that San's fire is getting out of hand. "Haizz looks like it's the villain's turn to make sure nothing goes wrong.". He then covers himself in ice armor, then he rushes at San and delivers a very strong kick to her stomach knocking her out. "Fuck things could have gone much worse." He said after knocking San out.

Grimm then appears through the ways San comes in and panicky thinks to himself (Come on San you better stay alive!). When he gets into the vault he sees that San is lying on the floor with cuts all over her body. And he sees that Ice sitting on the floor waiting.

Grimm shouts: Everything end right now Du Arschloch! You're under arrest!

Ice grin: I still have more energy in me but I feel it's best to turn myself in.

Grimm(-4): Are you plotting something?

Ice: My name is Kalt, hear me for two minutes then arrest me.

Grimm(-4): I'm listening.

Kalt: Your girl has an ability that if she can't control will bring harm to those around her. And put me and my brother in cells near each other.

Kalt then holds his hands out allowing Grimm to capture him. Kalt then brings down the wall he summoned from before, freeing other people trapped in ice, and said to Grimm "I know that you're here for revenge." Then a bunch of police storm into the building.

While the police asking people of what happened, San wakes up and Grimm sitting next to her. Grimm "Finally wake! Do you remember what happened before getting knocked out?"

San "I remember that after hearing what you said, my body suddenly have a huge surge of power and then everything went blank."

Grimm thinks to himself (So what Kalt said is true). San looks around her body and asks Grimm "Why are my arms and legs covered in bandages."

Grimm(-4): Haizz you're such a dork.

The mission was a success and we got interviewed as the heroes that save Bank X.

But then something has to interrupt our fun. A hero name "Big Ben" appear to congratulate me and San. I act normal as if "Big Ben" is just another hero, but he is also the one who made me go on this path.

Back to the present.

Sunz: I have no words to say about your past except just "WOW".

Grimm: You don't have to say a thing, having someone like you listen to my story is good enough.

Sogae: Attention all winners of round 1st we have arrived at the hotel. Please make sure to check that you leave nothing behind and remember the 2nd round will be in 2 days.

Grimm: Come on kid let's grab some dinner. I'm starving.

Sunz: Ok I'm also starving too.