Chapter 25: The hot pot

Everyone gets off the bus and goes their separate ways. Only Sunz and Grimm walk together, but to Sunz's surprise, Grace was also walking the same way as them. Grimm and Sunz walk side by side and Grace was a few steps behind them. But the walk didn't last long until they meet "One" purposely blocking their path.

One: Welcome back winner!

Grimm stepped in front of Sunz and with a stern voice said: What do you want?

One: What with the voice? I'm just here to congrats all of you for winning, that's all. And I did not expect to see such an interesting wildcard.

Grimm: We don't need your compliment and I suggest you not to take a step closer.

One pulls out his sword, said "What would you do if I did", and dashed at Grimm aiming to kill him.

Sunz can predict One movement, but now he can see the outcome. What he saw was Grimm got killed right before his eye, so he draws his sword dash past Grimm to block the attack. Due to his action, he blocks the attack but the sword is shattered in half. Then suddenly Sunz drops to the ground on his back, with the sword horizontal to his face, and uses his electric element to dash under One's legs. This confuses One and creates an opening for Grimm to punch him in the face, knocking him away from them.

One stand-up said: Now that's the spirit, I haven't killed anyone since the tryout.

Grimm checks on Sunz: You ok kid?

Sunz: Yeah I'm fine. But the sword is gone tho.

Grimm: Why did you do that tho? I can stop him by myself.

Sunz: I can't tell you why but I know you did not stop him.

One: Oh look at you two just like father and son. Let me bury you two together.

Then a voice out of nowhere "If I value my life I wouldn't do that!" and it was Sogae appeared from behind Grace.

One put his sword away and said "Oh! I'm sorry my phrasing was wrong. I was just trying to spare with the winner of today."

Sogae: And I suggest that you get out of here. Don't make me have to step in.

One "Oh! I will. See you all after the final" and scramble away.

Sogae: Is everyone ok?

Grimm: I think we are all ok. But should you let that psycho run around Korea, Miss Sogae?

Sogae said with a devious smile: Oh don't worry, if he ever misbehaves I'll make sure no one remembers him.

At some moment Grace sneaks up next to Sunz and whisper "Is that lady crazy?"

Sunz (Holy shit where did she come from): Well I guess she just very passionate about her job.

Grimm: Is there any reason why you're here Sogae, except for saving us just now?

Sogae: As a matter of fact I do have a reason to go look for you all. For tonight all three of you need to stay in the same room. And you three need to decide whose room you all are staying in.

After Sogae's last sentence, no one said anything, the air is filled with a thick silence.

Sogae: I know this comes out of nowhere, I just hope that you three can understand, and I can't do anything except deliver this information to you three.

Sunz: I guess that's fine with me but can I go get some spare clothes back in my room?

Sogae: Um… Sure but we all are going together.

Grimm: I don't mind tho but I just hope that this young lady won't make a fuss about staying in the same room with two males.

Grace: Sure! But we all stay in my room and no one is allowed to be on the bed except me. If we all staying in the same room I don't want to sleep on the floor, and who knows what kind of dirty stuff you boys did in your room.

Sunz: Just giving me a blanket so I can curl up in the corner is good enough for me. And with that kind attitude of yours (Grace), I know we are staying in a clean room.

Grimm: Fine by me. I've entered a female room once so I know how to act appropriately. Just don't choose the easy way to win this tournament ok.! ( Grimm snickers)

Grace: Hmph! I don't have to rely on such tactics. My fate is decided by the edge of my blade.

Sogae (I wouldn't think it would be this easy): If everyone is ok with this then let's start moving, I still have a lot of work to do.

The three then follow Sogae. First, they all go to Sunz's room for him to get some spare clothes. Then they all go to Grace's room, after Grace opens the door, the room inside looks like what Grimm and Sunz's room look like, but for some reason, it feels way cleaner and nicer than theirs.

Sogae: I hope that you three can settle down for a night. Here is the menu for tonight (She gives the menu to Grimm). If any of you have other questions for me, if not I shall take my leave.

Sunz: Oh! I need help to repair my sword.

Sogae: Sure give me the pieces and I'll give it back to you early in the morning.

Sunz gives Sogae two parts of his broken sword.

Sogae: Oh yeah a reminder the training facility will be closed after every match and open the next day. So remember to take care of yourself.

With that Sogae leaves the three in Grace's room.

Sunz: Grace do you need to take a shower?

Grace: I do! But you can take a shower first. I want to take my time to shower without having another person waiting for me to finish.

Grimm waves the menu: So what do guys want to eat?

Grace snatched the menu out of Grimm's hand "I think it would be better for me to order food for all of us. If you all don't mind"

Grimm shrugs his shoulders: Sure! But I want all three of us to eat together and have some conversation. I hope that not too much to ask for someone fancy like you to sit down with us.

Grace: Sitting down to have a meal with random people is a norm for me. I suggest that we have a hot pot!

Grimm: Sure why not! I'm just curious of how you'll talk when there is alcohol in your system.

Sunz: Sure let's have a hot pot. And excuse me I need to take a shower.

Sunz goes into the bathroom and comes out 10 minutes later with different clothes. After getting out of the bathroom Sunz sees Grace sitting on her bed reading a book. But Grimm is nowhere to be seen. Sunz then asks Grace "Where is Grimm?". She tells him that Grimm is outside on the balcony and that she can call both of them in when the stuff arrives.

Sunz says that he wants Grimm to have some alone time "and while we are waiting for the hot pot I want to talk with you for a bit."

Grace closed her book, put it on her lap, and said "Sure! We can talk, and I need to know your age so we can address each other correctly."

Sunz: I'm 16 and you.

Grace: I'm 18. So that means you have to call me "Big Sis Grace" or just "Grace" however, you want.

Sunz: Well that's good to know. Then I would like to ask you some questions about Jihu.

Grace: He was a good kid that care about people around him. That is all I remember about him. We haven't talked in a long time.

Sunz: Was he your only friend and did you find others that can replace him after not talking for so long?

Grace: He was the only one I knew and I realize that you don't need friends to have a happy life. But for some reason, I want him. I want to grow up with him and enjoy every moment in our life as friend is good enough for me. But I did not get my happy moment with him and when I got a chance I now see that he has replaced me with you.

Grace glared at Sunz with her teary eyes: So tell me why, "sob" why did he choose you?

Sunz: I have only known him for 2 years, and I don't know why did he choose to be friends with me. I always thought it was out of pity, there is no reason for someone like him to hang out with me. But after hearing what you said, I guess that he doesn't want to make the same mistake, and maybe something about me reminded him about you.

Grace wipe tears off her face and said: I'm sorry for getting too sentimental. But at least we get to know something about each other.

Sunz: Maybe you should talk with him when you have a chance.

Suddenly a voice from outside "Hot pot for room ???"

Grace "I'm coming". She walk up to the door and before opening it she said to Sunz "Maybe I should!"

She opens the door and is greeted by the hotel staff with the hot pot and other ingredients. She yells for Grimm to come out and help her.

Grimm and Grace done setting up the hot pot. Then the three of us sit down around the hot pot to enjoy our meal with some beers.