

I smooth my hands over my outfit, making sure that there are no visible stains.

My mother would literally kill me if she spots even the tiniest stain on my outfit.

Once she made me skip dinner because I had accidentally gotten mustard on my white blouse.

I offered to change the shirt but she said, and I quote, 'it is too late now, I have already seen it'.

She is so insufferable sometimes.

I am currently adorned in a white, short sleeved, polo mini tennis dress that has neat pleats that end around my upper middle thigh.

I leave my buttons unbuttoned due to it being so warm outside today.

I paired this outfit with a matching white baseball cap and large blacked out sunglasses.

I am in the middle of tying the laces on my plain white tennis shoes when I hear a firm knock on my bedroom door.

/"Come in!/" I yell out, not glancing up at the door

I hear the door silently swing open only to quickly close as someone enters my bedroom.

It is quiet for a few moments as the mysterious person makes their way towards me.

Due to me still being bent over tying my shoes I go to warn the person only to stop when the smell of blueberries meet my nose.


My second favorite fruit.

This smell persuades me to hurriedly finish typing the shoe lace.

Once I am finished with this task I take a seat on my bed, unconsciously crossing one leg over the other due to habit.

The first things my eyes land on are a box of doughnuts in my best friend's hands.

Oh my god.

I think that I am in love!

Genny laughs at me and stiffly takes a seat on my bed, our legs only a few inches away from each other.


I furrow my eyebrows at this but choose not to question her.

I remove my sunglasses and baseball cap, placing them on the bed beside me, just as Genny opens the doughnut box.

I am like an eager child as I look into the doughnut and carefully pick up a blueberry filled one that is covered in powdered sugar.

My mouth practically salivates as I bring the rather large doughnut towards my mouth and take a big bite.


I close my eyes as I chew my large bite of the dessert.

I am completely silent as I savor the wondrous flavors of the doughnut.


This was totally worth waiting six months for.

I take another bite of the doughnut as soon as I finish my previous one.

Oh my god!

I hum out with pure bliss which causes Genny to laugh at me.

/"Calm down before they think we're fucking in here/" she tells me, referring to the two guards outside of my bedroom door

I roll my eyes at her, just now noticing that she does not have her sunglasses on.


I wonder when she took them off.

It does not take me more than two minutes to finish my doughnut.

As soon as I am finished with it I lick some of the blueberry jelly, noticing that my best friend is staring at me with a rather intense look.

My heartbeat gradually begins to increase as if I were running.

I raise an eyebrow at her.

/"What?/" I ask, removing the pad of my finger from my mouth with a pop

The girl brings her bottom lip up into her mouth which serves a purpose in speeding my heart up more in my chest.

What is my heart trying to do?

Jump out of my chest?!

She continues to remain silent as she brings her body closer towards mine.

The normal human reaction to this would be to back up and ask the person what the hell is wrong with them.

Not only did I do neither of these things, my eyes had a mind of their own and drifted down towards her lips.

Her lips!

I am not saying that Genevieve is unappealing in any way shape or form!

In face I think that she is way more gorgeous than I am!

I just- I am confused as to why I am staring at her lips.

It is awkward.

My best friend continues to lean her body closer towards my frozen one.

My brain is practically panicking, a hundred thoughts a minute flying throughout it.


She is leaning into me!

That could only mean one thing.

She wants to kiss me!

Oh my-

I know that her parents tease her about us dating practically every single time that I go to her house, but I did not think that this idiot would take them seriously one day!

We have told them multiple times that we are not romantically interested in each other!

Was she lying?!

Has a girl ever even kissed another girl on this country?!

How would that even work?!

Is it the same as kissing a boy or-

My mind continues to overthink this gesture while my body practically welcomes the possible kiss with open arms.

Genevieve surprises me as she suddenly stops her face a few inches away from mine.

The brunette remains silent, a focused look on her face as she produces a tissue from practically nowhere.

She is as gentle as possible as she drags the tissue along my top lip, my upper lip and the bulb of my nose.

I am as still as a statue as I finally regain control of my eyes and glance up to meet her eyes.

A smile breaks out onto my face as I notice the pure concentration in her eyes.

The brunette notices this and removes her hand from my face, a confused facial expression replacing the previous one of concentration.

/"What?/" She asks with a small tone of voice due to our faces still being close to each other

Due to me feeling a sudden boost of confidence I bring my hands up to rest on each side of her face, bringing our faces even closer than before. I stop once the tip of our noses are a hairs length away from each other.

Oh my-

I cannot believe that I am doing this right now!

/"I like it when you make that face/" I whisper, an amused smile still being on my face

The brunette's eyes drift down my face, stopping at my lips.

Or my chin.

/"Oh yeah?/" She mutters with a rather raspy tone

I recognize this but choose not to comment on it.

/"Mhm/" I hum in agreement with a subtle nod

/"What face?/" She smiles as she glances back up towards my eyes

I feel her warm hands 'sneakily' rest themselves on my knees.

I bite my bottom lip so that I do not chuckle at this.

She is not as smooth as she likes to pretend she is.

/"The one where you resemble a guinea pig/" I joke with her

The brunette leans out of my touch, a look of faux offense on her face.

/"You did not just compare me to your favorite animal, Lainey/" her jaw drops

I playfully shrug at her and grab my white baseball cap.

/"Maybe I did,/" I say as I place the cap on my head

/"Maybe I did not,/" I grab my sunglasses and place them over my eyes

I teasingly smile at my best friend before standing up from my bed and making my way towards my bedroom door, only stopping once I reach the closed door.

/"Are you coming, Catherine?/" I call her by her middle name

I try my best not to laugh when she instantly groans at the use of her middle name.

/"Don't call me that, Mahogany/" she gives me a taste of my own medicine.