

I groan out loud and stomp my foot on the mat, becoming indescribably mad.

/"You are not even listening to me!/" I exclaim

I notice her roll her eyes from my spot a few feet away from her.

How did I just see that?


I am so upset with her.

She is not taking my ideas and decisions seriously!

The worst part about this is that she is refusing to tell me why.

I just want an answer.

/"Mom, Why did you not ask me about my opinion before approving everything for my coronation?/" I ask her for the fifth time

The woman continues to ignore me, tossing the bright green ball in the air and whacking it across the court.

I use my racket to whack the ball completely off the court, too angered to even pretend to be interested in tennis.

/"Answer my question or I will tell dad about Octavius/" I threaten, crossing my arms against my chest

Octavius is my father's twin brother.

Octavius is also my biological father.

I guess my Mother got around with that family before deciding to start her own.

My mother’s eyes immediately widen at this.

Yeah, that is what I thought.

The older woman beckons me over towards the tennis net.

I waste no time as I practically jog over towards the net.

As soon as the two of us both reach the net I notice how furious my mother truly is.

Wow, shocker!

Someone is not following her stupid rules and now she wants to throw a fit about it.

/"You know that what happened between Octavius and I was an accident!/" She grits out between her teeth

Better be careful or your veneers might break.

I roll my eyes at her.

/"Yeah, was that before or after he came inside of you?/" I state

This sets my Mother off.

She goes to lay her hands on me only for me to smirk and subtly point towards the various guards surrounding the tennis court.

/"I would not do that if I were you, unless you want charges pressed against you,/" I inform her

She freezes in her place at my statement.

/"There's a lot of witnesses too, that means bad publicity for the Queen of Aurora/" I size her up and down with a disgusted facial expression, knowing how much she loves her image

My mother glares at me moving her hand down to suffocate the tennis net.

/"You would not/" she grits out again

I tilt my head to the side, a smirk still resting on my face.

/"Try me, Mother/" I dare her

The woman is silent for a few moments, possibly thinking of what she is going to say next.

/"You are unable to follow the simplest of instructions, how do you expect me to trust you ruling an entire country?/" The lady questions me in Chinese

My smirk falls at this.

/"How can you trust me if you never give me a chance?/" I fire back in English

The woman glares at me.

/"Time and time again I have given you chances to prove yourself,/" she continues to speak in Chinese

/"All that you have seemed to prove is that you lack discipline and need more authority/" she rushes out angrily

I furrow my eyebrows at her with evident confusion.

/"Lies/" I state

My mother's eyebrows raise so fast at this.

/"I am lying?! Bane told me everything!/" She goes to continue her sentence only for me to cut her off with a groan


Bane ruins everything!

/"Bane does not know what he is talking about half of the time!/" I exclaim

/"He lied to you! This is one of the reasons why I refuse to marry him!/" I say a bit too loudly

My mother smacks me on the arm, but I pretend that it does not hurt.

She does not deserve the satisfaction of knowing that she hurt me.

/"You will marry him, you have no choice in the matter!/" She tells me

Did she just-

/"Excuse me?/" I question

I hope that I just heard this crazy woman incorrectly.

/"You chased all of the other eligible bachelors away! Bane is the only one still around! The only one left!/" She informs me

This is a joke.

/"You are lying/" I say, not believing her

The older woman crosses her arms at me.

/"I am not. You will marry Bane even if it is the last thing that you do, understand?/" the woman threatens me

I remain silent as I glare at her.

My incompliance only infuriates the woman further.

/"Do you understand, Elaine?/" My mother grits out venomously

I remove my sunglasses from my eyes so that she has a clear view of my eyes.

/"Dad deserves better/" is all that I say before sliding my sunglasses back over my eyes and walking away

Before I walk away from her I notice the change in her facial expression.

Her previously furious facial expression quickly turned into one of shock and hurt within the time span of a half of a second.

I knew that this would hurt her.

It hurts her because she knows that it is true.

Dad does not deserve someone as awful as she is.

I ignore everything around me as I speed walk towards my bedroom, not in the mood for any more interaction.

Just as I am going to climb the staircase I am suddenly pulled in the direction of the nearest room, in this case that just so happens to be the kitchen.

Seriously Genevieve?

I just want to sleep this entire day away.

The girl peaks into the kitchen only to enter it once she notices that the room is clear.

She waits until the two of us are completely isolated inside of the kitchen to say anything.

/"How are you feeling?/" She asks me with genuine worry

I glare at her.


This is why she pulled me in here?!

I could already be asleep by now!

/"I am feeling like I want to punch you in the throat right now,/" I state a little more venomously than intended due to my mother and I's argument still being fresh in my head

/"I could be sleeping right now and you just want to talk about my feelings like I am a kindergartner/" I glare at her

Genevieve, not taking my anger personally, gently taps the tip of my nose.

I scrunch my nose up at this action from her, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

What is she doing?

/"Well, it's kind of hard not to when you do this/" she chuckles she motions towards my upset stance

You know what-

/"I do not have time for this/" I state emotionlessly as I turn around and begin to make my way back towards the door that we entered through

/"Lainey, I'm just kidding! Come on!/" Genny laughs as she reaches out to grab my wrist

She successfully does so and gently pulls me towards her.

I roll my eyes at her as she wraps her arms around my shoulders, forcing me to lay my cheek on her chest.

/"We don't have to talk,/" she assures me as she gently rocks us side to side

I have to admit that I am shocked by this.

Genny is not usually this adamant or patient when I am upset and just want to be alone.

She usually just leaves me alone until I am ready to speak.

/"We can just stay here, like this/" her voice softly trails off

My heart warms at her words.

My body unconsciously relaxes in her strong, protective hold at this.

A few minutes go by before I eventually uncross my arms and wrap them around her muscular back.


I forgot how in shape she really is.

I tilt my head up a bit, her heartbeat being the current source of my entertainment.

I am thoroughly shocked for a second time when she rests her chin on top of my head.

This- This is all foreign to me.

Bane never does simple things like this.

Well, he never did things like this.

Even when he actually cared about our relationship I feel like he did not really care.