

/"If you yell at me one more time I will not hesitate to drive a stake through your heart!/" I whisper yell at Genevieve as I finish brushing my teeth

The two of us woke up later than we would have liked meaning that we cannot have breakfast together like we usually would be able to.

Honestly I do not care about that right now since Genny will not stop yelling at me.

Granted it is whisper yelling, but I do not care.

I make sure my shoes are completely tied before standing up from her bed.

/"I'm not a vampire, Elaine/" the brunette rolls her eyes

I scoff.

/"You could have fooled me!/" I glare

She surprises me as she suddenly spins around to face me.

I inhale sharply as I notice the swirling pools of fire in her eyes.


I have really done it this time, have I not?

I try to take a step back as I notice the pissed brunette approaching me.