

/"You're late,/" the Prince says as I enter the vacant coffee shop

Why the hell are we in a coffee shop?

I make sure to lock the door behind as I notice the paparazzi approaching the glass.

/"I told you that you should have just rode with me in my limousine/" she shrugs as he continues to look through his menu

I roll my eyes at his attitude as I make my way towards the booth that he is currently sitting in.

/"I do not even want to be here with you right now, so what leads you to assume that I would prefer to be in a smaller space alongside you?!/" I spit venomously

I keep my voice relatively low so that we do not cause a ruckus to those who are working.

Bane glances up at me from his menu, a look of analyzation on his sharp facial features.

I ignore him and place my purse on the chair beside me before grabbing a menu.